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To the Question Regarding the Study of the Investment Attractiveness of Enterprise Kryvytska O. R.
Kryvytska, Olha R. (2023) “To the Question Regarding the Study of the Investment Attractiveness of Enterprise.” Business Inform 10:246–252.
Section: Economics of Enterprise
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 330.322
Abstract: The article systematizes approaches and outlines the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods for assessing the investment attractiveness of enterprise in order to present itself in the most profitable way to a potential investor, which in the future will allow to maintain the appropriate level of competitiveness, increase the level of intellectualization, increase the number of innovations integrated into production. Attention is focused on the fact that enterprises that are interested in investments should be well aware of what information and in what form they need to submit to argue their investment attractiveness. It is noted that investment attractiveness as an economic value is characterized by a wide variety of indicators. The process of analyzing the investment attractiveness of enterprises should be seen as consideration of a multidimensional, multifactorial economic value, in which many independent indicators are interconnected. A necessary and important aspect in the process of assessing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise is to take into account not only its internal factors, but also external ones. It is proposed to include in the external factors those that do not depend on the enterprise as an economic entity the investment attractiveness of the industry and the region in which the enterprise operates. It is natural that investors are primarily interested in investing in enterprises with high potential, which are located in a promising region and in a rapidly developing industry, rather than in enterprises situated in depressed regions and in a stagnant industry. Separately, the importance of the ability to professionally and at the proper level substantiate the investment proposal provided to a potential investor is noted. Before attracting an investor, it is recommended to conduct several independent evaluations of the project, which could be presented to several potential investors. This will make it possible to understand and determine the real cost of the project and, if necessary, adjust the position of the enterprise interested in the receipt of investments. Four main mistakes that affect the low level of preparation of investment projects are noted: the project is at the idea stage; the project does not contain a marketing plan; there are no estimates of the profitability of the project; low quality of presentation of materials.
Keywords: enterprise, investment attractiveness, investment project.
Bibl.: 13.
Kryvytska Olha R. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Management and Marketing, The National University of Ostroh Academy (2 Seminarska Str., Ostroh, 35800, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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