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Development of Strategic Planning: Historical Stages and Modern Features Dovbnia S. B., Ponomarenko R. V.
Dovbnia, Svitlana B., and Ponomarenko, Ruslan V. (2023) “Development of Strategic Planning: Historical Stages and Modern Features.” Business Inform 10:321–328.
Section: Management and Marketing
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UDC 33.658.005.5
Abstract: The aim of the article is to study the evolution of strategic planning, due to the strengthening of the influence of the external environment on the activities of enterprises, and to substantiate the directions of its further development in the conditions of the turbulent modern stage. The development of strategic planning under the influence of the external environment is considered: from the origin at the beginning of the twentieth century in the form of budgeting and to its modern innovative stage. Three chronological periods of development of strategic planning and, accordingly, its three types have been allocated: competitive, systemic, partnership. Their allocation is carried out on the basis of changes in the essence, methods and results of strategic planning, which occurred under the influence of the dynamics of the external environment, as well as the views and reactions of the enterprise to it. The main features of each of the types are characterized. The competitive type of strategic planning refers to the period of growth of production volumes and stiffening of competition and is aimed at the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise and strengthening its market position. The systemic type is distinguished by the development and systematization of methods of strategic planning and the formation of the process of this activity. The main attention is paid to the modern (partnership) stage and its characteristic features, which include: the need for a timely response of economic entities to the acceleration of the pace of changes in the external environment; innovativeness; comprehensive digitalization; priority of human capital development; orientation towards the principles of sustainable development and socially-oriented management; and, of course, the growing importance of partnerships. Digitalization is considered both from the standpoint of its external impact on the activities of the enterprise (external digitalization) and internal manifestation (internal digitalization). External digitalization encourages the company to develop information competencies. Internal digitalization ensures an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise, the creation of competitive advantages, and the development of innovations. The factors of external and internal digitalization have been identified and systematized. The main ways of building partnerships with the subjects of the external environment are defined. The main directions of development of methodical tools of strategic planning at the present stage are formulated.
Keywords: strategic planning, evolution, external environment, competition, systematicity, partnership, digitalization, innovation.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 15.
Dovbnia Svitlana B. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship named after T. H. Ben, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (2 Akademika Lazariana Str., Dnipro, 49010, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Ponomarenko Ruslan V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship named after T. H. Ben, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (2 Akademika Lazariana Str., Dnipro, 49010, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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