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The Essence, Elements and Components of Social Responsibility of Enterprises Hovsieiev D. D.
Hovsieiev, Dmytro D. (2023) “The Essence, Elements and Components of Social Responsibility of Enterprises.” Business Inform 10:397–403.
Section: Management and Marketing
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Abstract: The aim of the article is to study and generalize the theoretical provisions on the social responsibility of enterprises in the context of dynamism and uncertainty of the environment. When analyzing and summarizing the scientific works of many scholars, it was determined that the social responsibility of the enterprise is aimed at creating a positive impact on the socioeconomic environment of the enterprise and can lead to various positive results, including financial success, improving reputation and creating a favorable image in the market. As a result of the study, approaches to the formation of the concept of corporate social responsibility, which can coexist and complement each other, are analyzed. The main characteristics of social responsibility are defined, including: the social nature of responsibility; dependence on the social qualities of the individual and social norms and values, their integration into the social system. The features of legal and non-legal social responsibility of enterprises are characterized and their components are defined. The main types of companies that determine trends in the sphere of social influence have been allocated, and it has been substantiated that «social innovators» can act as catalysts for further development of the sphere of social responsibility, since such enterprises set themselves the task not only to comply with the standards of social responsibility, but also to be active leaders in the development of innovative approaches and solutions to solve social problems. The article also analyzes the features of the world’s largest initiative in the field of corporate social responsibility – the UN Global Compact, which is designed to promote the creation of more sustainable and ethical corporations that not only generate profit, but also benefit society and the environment. It is substantiated that social responsibility can be a competitive advantage, strengthening the reputation of enterprise and stimulating innovative solutions. Prospects for further research lie in the field of studying the features of introduction and implementation of the strategy of corporate social responsibility of enterprise.
Keywords: social responsibility of enterprises, social results, projects, social aspects, ecological aspects, social problems.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 16.
Hovsieiev Dmytro D. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Air Transport Economics, State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute» (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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United Nations Global Compact.
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