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Logistics 5.0: Synergy of Artificial Intelligence and Humans in the Context of Sustainable Development
Skitsko V. I.

Skitsko, Volodymyr I. (2023) “Logistics 5.0: Synergy of Artificial Intelligence and Humans in the Context of Sustainable Development.” Business Inform 11:174–179.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The emergence of ChatGPT in late 2022 brought unprecedented technological changes in many areas of business and society, raising the level of interest in generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology to a whole new level. The use of AI has become especially relevant in the field of logistics, where the need to optimize processes and reduce costs has always been high. The article analyzes the current trends in the development and application of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of logistics. The main challenges associated with the introduction of AI in logistics are outlined, including: the biased attitude of customers to interaction with AI; responsible generation of requests to AI in compliance with data privacy rules; the need to develop digital competence, etc. The conception of «Logistics 5.0», in which a person and artificial intelligence act as equal elements of the logistics system, is considered. The following main aspects of Logistics 5.0 are analyzed in the context of sustainable development: human-centeredness, viability, and sustainable development. Human-centeredness in Logistics 5.0 assumes that the human is central to the logistics system, and there is also a rethinking of the Human – Machine (H2M) interaction in general. Viability in Logistics 5.0 is the ability of the logistics system to exist (function) under any conditions, which is achieved through stability, flexibility, and adaptability. Sustainable development in Logistics 5.0 involves the functioning and development of current logistics systems while maintaining opportunities for future generations to meet their needs. The paper details three key aspects of sustainability for AI and for Logistics 5.0 – environmental sustainability, economic well-being, and social justice. It is concluded that there is a need to develop ethical principles and a legal framework for regulating the use of AI in logistics to ensure their contribution to sustainable development.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, Logistics 5.0, sustainable development.

Bibl.: 18.

Skitsko Volodymyr I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Xu, X. et al. “Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 - Inception, conception and perception“. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol. 61 (2021): 530-535. DOI:
Skitsko, V. I. “Vplyv tsyfrovykh tekhnolohii na zhyttiezdatnist lohistychnykh system tsyfrovoi ekonomiky“ [The Influence of Digital Technologies on the Viability of Logistics Systems of the Digital Economy]. Ekonomika pidpryiemstva: suchasni problemy teorii ta praktyky. Odesa: Atlant, 2018. 169-170.
Dilmegani, C. “10 Generative AI Supply Chain Use Cases in 2023“. AIMultiple. April 26, 2023.
Skitsko, V. I. “Heneratyvnyi shtuchnyi intelekt u lantsiuhakh postavok“ [Generative Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chains]. Pidpryiemnytstvo ta lohistyka v umovakh suchasnykh vyklykiv. 2023.


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