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The Transformational Changes of Oil and Gas Companies in the Context of Decarbonization as a Topical Management Problem
Dodukh V. M.

Dodukh, Vadym M. (2023) “The Transformational Changes of Oil and Gas Companies in the Context of Decarbonization as a Topical Management Problem.” Business Inform 11:319–324.

Section: Management and Marketing

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Climate change is an important global problem caused by human activity that has negative consequences on the state of the biosphere. In this regard, there was a need for decarbonization (reduction of carbon dioxide emissions) for enterprises and entire sectors of the world economy in order to minimize the anthropogenic impact on the environment. In response to the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement, many oil and gas companies have set targets and committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This article considers the process of decarbonization of oil and gas companies and the related transformational changes of enterprises as an important problem of today. It is substantiated that the study of strategic planning and the process of implementing changes in oil and gas companies in connection with decarbonization is a relevant topic for research. There are constant technological, economic and other changes that affect the achievement of sustainable development and require constant analysis and study. Three areas of coverage of greenhouse gas emissions according to the Greenhouse Gases Protocol Corporate Standard are considered in the context of the oil and gas industry. The main measures for decarbonization of enterprises in the industry, including those planned for implementation in Ukraine, are analyzed. The materials of the latest domestic and foreign publications related to the topic of this article are also analyzed. The transformation of the production process of oil and gas production towards improving energy efficiency and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the transformation of oil and gas companies by diversifying the production of various types of energy, are aimed at achieving carbon neutrality by enterprises in the industry. Effective and scientifically based implementation of changes will contribute to the achievement of the climate goals of the Paris Agreement, the sustainable development of the energy sector and the global economy, together with the successful functioning of enterprises. The significant potential of large oil and gas companies can allow them to play a major role in transforming the global energy sector while remaining efficient and profitable enterprises.

Keywords: transformation of oil and gas companies, decarbonization of oil and gas companies, carbon neutrality, sustainable development.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 14.

Dodukh Vadym M. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management and Behavioral Economics, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (21 600-richchia Str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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