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Mechanism for Managing the Transparency of the Development of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Convergence of Investment Processes on a Synectic-Compensatory Basis
Zaitseva A. S.

Zaitseva, Anna S. (2023) “Mechanism for Managing the Transparency of the Development of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Convergence of Investment Processes on a Synectic-Compensatory Basis.” Business Inform 12:246–253.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

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It is determined that under the current conditions of intensification of competition struggle between domestic industrial enterprises and increasing market pressure from foreign competing firms, there is an urgent issue of highlighting the process of managing development transparency as one of the most important criteria for efficiency of the activities. The mechanism for managing the transparency of enterprise development on a synectic-compensatory basis, which is implemented in the context of convergence of investment processes, is formed due to the complex reflection of the dynamism and variability of economic interests and parametrization of the effective process of their balancing in a dynamic model of formation and use of the development potential of enterprises and in the presence of high quality of managerial decisions in comparison with competitors, which provides industrial enterprises with a competitive position in the market and forms a sustainable level of their development. That is, the effectiveness of managing the transparency of the development of industrial enterprises in the context of convergence of investment processes will be determined by the ability of the management system to achieve the set goals, outlining the need for their systematic and analytical research. It is appropriate to assess the quality and efficiency of the management system at industrial enterprises through the construction of a balanced system of signifiers and indicators, which is the basis for assessing the effectiveness of enterprises’ operation and is aimed at achieving their strategic goals. The unity of the backbone basis of the developed management mechanism in accordance with the managerial efficiency is confirmed by the consolidation of the elements of its construction, which is actualized in the format of accumulation of changes as a reflexive reaction to the processes of transformation. This allows to comprehensively manage all components of transparency in the development of enterprises in order to increase their efficiency, optimal organization of investment, supply, production and sales activities of the enterprise, reduce logistics costs, provide production with the necessary material resources and their effective use, optimize material, financial and information flows.

Keywords: management mechanism, transparency, development, industrial enterprise, convergence, investment processes, synectic-compensatory basis.

Fig.: 4. Bibl.: 19.

Zaitseva Anna S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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