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Integration of Risk Management Into the Quality Management System of Trading Enterprise
Shymko O. V.

Shymko, Olha V. (2023) “Integration of Risk Management Into the Quality Management System of Trading Enterprise.” Business Inform 1:191–196.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 339.3: 658.5

The article is aimed at studying the features of the risk-oriented approach in the context of the development of quality management systems as an instrument for management of trading enterprises to solve the problems of increasing their competitiveness, ensuring risk resistance and risk protection. The economic essence of risk as an integral element of the economic and financial activity of the enterprise, which in its manifestation poses a threat to the achievement of the established goals of this activity in conditions of uncertainty and lack of complete information at the time of making decisions on planning, management, coordination, control of the enterprise’s activities, is covered. The list of risks inherent in the activities of commercial enterprises is considered. The classification of risks depending on the type of trade object, group of goods, functional divisions of the trading enterprise and the subsystems has been improved, which allows to deepen research in this direction and objectively determine the areas in which the degree of risk corresponds to the characteristics of the activity. The content and sequence of the main stages of risk management in a trading enterprise are characterized. The article considers features of various approaches to risk management: adaptive, functional, system, process-oriented. It is argued that the lack of an integrated risk management policy of a trading enterprise aimed at implementing strategic development goals leads to: insufficient coordination of individual managerial decisions in this area of various functional services; low level of implementation and use of modern methods and tools for identification and assessment of risks; insufficient substantiation of risk management models in various operations of the trade and technological process; use of inefficient forms of control over the result of the chosen risk solution. A conception of implementing the risk management in the quality management system of a trading enterprise, implemented in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015, is proposed. This conception will provide integrated management of material, financial, information, service flows in business processes between the functional areas of procurement, transportation, warehousing, production, implementation in the performance of management functions of analysis, planning, organization, coordination, motivation, control in compliance with the principles of consistency, efficiency, continuity, cyclicality, variateness, adaptability, mutual consistency, as well as the completeness of the functions of such management and the use of a unified approach to the mechanism of enterprise management. The normative-methodological base of risk management within the documented quality management system of the enterprise is considered.

Keywords: trading enterprise, risk, risk management, business processes, quality management system.

Bibl.: 16.

Shymko Olha V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities (4 Academik Stepan Demianchuk Str., Rivne, 33027, Ukraine)
Email: volodya217@

List of references in article

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