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Diagnostics of the Development of Risk Management of Telecommunications Enterprises Guseva O. Y., Zakharzhevska A. A.
Guseva, Olga Yu., and Zakharzhevska, Alina A. (2023) “Diagnostics of the Development of Risk Management of Telecommunications Enterprises.” Business Inform 1:196–202.
Section: Management and Marketing
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 3 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 654.07
Abstract: The article provides an in-depth diagnosis of the development of risk management of telecommunications enterprises, taking into account the existing level of organization of risk management and the level of the enterprises’ economic stability in the context of digitalization of business processes. Thus, the imperatives for diagnosing the efficiency of risk management development are substantiated; a typology of clusters of telecommunication enterprises has been formed to determine the level of development of risk management; a system of indicators for assessing the level of organization of risk management of telecommunication enterprises and for determining the level of economic stability of the enterprise, taking into account risk factors, is proposed. Based on the proposed scientific-methodological approach, the coefficients of efficiency of risk management development are calculated and the level of efficiency is determined. It is found that the leading telecommunication enterprises of Ukraine, namely, PJSC «Kyivstar», PJSC «VF Ukraine», LLC «lifesell» and PJSC «Ukrtelecom» have a fairly high (above average or average) level of risk management development. The highest level of risk management development and the least «radical» focus of changes in risk management strategy is provided by Kyivstar PJSC. This enterprise has a progressive level of organization of risk management and the highest level of economic stability among the studied enterprises. PJSC «VF Ukraine» (2nd place after PJSC «Kyivstar») and LLC «lifesell» (respectively – 3rd place) have a sufficiently high (on the scale of «above average») level of risk management development. It is determined that at the present stage these enterprises have a standard, with elements of progressive, level of development of risk management and are sufficiently prepared for the use of innovative risk reduction mechanisms.
Keywords: risk management, development, risk diagnostics, telecommunications company.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 10.
Guseva Olga Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economics, State University of Information and Communication Technology (7 Solomianska Str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Zakharzhevska Alina A. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, State University of Information and Communication Technology (7 Solomianska Str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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