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The Basics of Building an International Company Development Process
Strilok I. I.

Strilok, Ivanna I. (2023) “The Basics of Building an International Company Development Process.” Business Inform 1:24–30.

Section: International Economic Relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658:339

The article is aimed at determining the general basics for the implementation of the company’s development process, studying the influence of the international business environment, and highlighting key trends and opportunities for its development. Analyzing the scientific works of scholars and taking into account the dynamism of world processes, the potential goals from which companies usually begin the process of change and development are considered: continuous improvement; improving or enhancing communication; employee development; improvement of products and services; increase in profits. The stages of development of an international company in the article are as follows: determining the scope of improvement; research on the problem; creating an action plan; creating motivation and vision; implementation; evaluation of initial results; adaptation or continuation. Since changes and development of the company can be associated with certain obstacles to achieving the goal, the common challenges that arise in the process of development of the company include: fear of the unknown; conflicting goals; burnout; lack of leadership; misunderstanding of the planned changes; difficulty in regard with changing either mission or values. Analyzing the external business environment, which consists of numerous factors, the present publication groupes the latter into six key subenvironments. External factors that have an impact on the development of the consulting company’s business are both new trends (customer trends, dynamic mega-trends, technological trends) and destructive factors (macroeconomic, market-based, industry-based). Each of these factors creates a unique set of challenges and opportunities for business development. They emphasize the need for adaptability both at the individual level and at the business (or industry) level. As a result of the study, key trends (artificial intelligence and digitalization, expansion of cloud services, global recruitment for consultant positions, updated staff retention strategies, compliance with environmental, social and management (ESG) measures) are identified and opportunities for the development of a consulting company are substantiated. Prospects for further work in this direction are the formation of a mechanism for managing the development of an international company to strengthen the company’s competitive strategy; improving management and decision support processes at all levels; management of decisive data flows; implementation of changes to create a culture of flexibility and develop the company’s competitiveness.

Keywords: development process of company, stages of development process, development management of company, consulting company.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Strilok Ivanna I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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“Un Climate Change Conference UK 2021“.


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