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Cooperation of Territorial Communities in the Field of Realizing the Potential of Tourism Development Panasenko N. L.
Panasenko, Natalia L. (2023) “Cooperation of Territorial Communities in the Field of Realizing the Potential of Tourism Development.” Business Inform 1:74–80.
Section: Regional Economy
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UDC 352.072.2
Abstract: The relevance of the formation and implementation of the policy of development of intermunicipal cooperation of communities in the field of realizing the potential of tourism development in general and with regard to the system of objects of sanatorium-resort services in particular is substantiated. The opportunities that communities receive in case of activation of intermunicipal cooperation in the analyzed sphere are determined, in particular, the growth of attraction for tourists, the development of general and tourist infrastructure, the formation of clusters of tourism facilities and tourist routes, and the improvement of the financial capacity of promoting local destinations. The classification of institutions in the market of sanatorium-resort services of Ukraine by regions of their localization, kinds, types and specialization is summarized and presented. The results of the analysis are provided and negative trends are displayed, which confirm and testify to the deep crisis and deterioration of the material and technical security of domestic sanatorium-resort facilities. On this basis, the necessity to intensify the activities of local self-governments in the field of both restoring the scale of activity and ensuring the development of tourism in general and the objects of the sanatorium-resort complex in particular is stated. It is possible to enable the relevant processes in the best way by making use of intermunicipal cooperation of communities, so, with this purpose, directions, forms and measures of relevant cooperation are determined. The scientific novelty of the research results allows to improve the system of instruments for managing intermunicipal cooperation of communities in the field of tourism development, for which the functions of local governments and forms of joint coordination of activities are determined. The applied significance of the research results lies in the fact that the implementation of certain instruments can be laid down in the program documents for establishing and coordinating cooperation between territorial communities of Ukraine in the field of increasing and effectively using the existing tourism potential and ensuring the intensification of local economic development thanks to this. It is stated that only an integrated approach to the formation and implementation of a policy of cooperation between territorial communities in the field of enhancing the development and realization of the potential of local tourism will provide a positive result.
Keywords: territorial communities, intermunicipal cooperation, tourism, sanatorium-resort complex, forms of cooperation.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.
Panasenko Natalia L. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Public Management and Administration, Poltava State Agrarian University (13 Skovorody Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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