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The Conceptual-Methodical Approach to Assessing the Impact of Digitalization on Business Development in the National Economy
Shvets N. V., Kramchaninova M. D., Kasatkina M. V.

Shvets, Nataliia V., Kramchaninova, Maiia D., and Kasatkina, Maryna V. (2023) “The Conceptual-Methodical Approach to Assessing the Impact of Digitalization on Business Development in the National Economy.” Business Inform 3:262–270.

Section: Research Methodology in Economics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.24:330.341

The article is aimed at defining the peculiarities of the digitalization process in the business environment of the national economy and formalizing the conceptual-methodical approach to assessing the impact of this process on business development. The article studies the actual scientific and practical issue of the impact of digital transformations on the results of economic activity of the business sector as the main driving force of the national economy. The importance of digitalization and the need to understand its multi-aspectuality and peculiarities of the course in socioeconomic systems of different levels are emphasized. Since the process of digital transformation goes beyond the boundaries of individual economic entities and sectors of the national economy, it is concluded that a full and in-depth analysis of the impact of factors of digital transformations on the development of the business sector should be carried out covering the changes that occur at the micro, meso and macro levels. A conceptual-methodical approach to analyzing the results of digital transformation in the economy with an emphasis on the entrepreneurial sector has been proposed. The approach includes the use of a system of indicators to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the progress of digital transformation at each of the above levels. At the micro level, the state of digitalization of the internal environment of economic entities is studied. At the meso level, digital transformations within industry and cross-sectoral interaction are monitored. At the macro level, national processes in the business sector are studied under the influence of the implementation of the State digital strategy and policy. The important role of the State in promoting digital innovations and stimulating the development of new technologies in favor of the national economy is underlined. It is noted that the implementation of the proposed approach requires the creation of a certain information, analytical, and organizational support.

Keywords: entrepreneurial sector, digital transformation, levels of digital transformation, business development, national economy.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 39.

Shvets Nataliia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (17 Ioanna Pavla II Str., Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kramchaninova Maiia D. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (17 Ioanna Pavla II Str., Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kasatkina Maryna V. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (17 Ioanna Pavla II Str., Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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