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The Imperatives of a Theoretical Study on the Investment Climate of the National Economy
Yachymets Y. М.

Yachymets, Yuriy М. (2023) “The Imperatives of a Theoretical Study on the Investment Climate of the National Economy.” Business Inform 3:33–38.

Section: Investment Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article analyzes the investment climate as a system of factors that determine the business attractiveness of a particular country or territory, since the calculation of possible risks and expected profitability of an investment object is impossible without taking into account the peculiarities of the investment climate. It is noted that the study of the investment climate is always of interest, because, firstly, it provides a systematic comprehension of the factors influencing the investor; secondly, it creates an opportunity to better estimate the situation in the country or in a particular region; and finally, it allows you to realize the motivation of the partner’s behavior. The author presents a system of economic relations arising in the process of formation of the investment climate, which can generally be considered as investment relations between: 1) the State and business; 2) business and population; 3) population and the State; 4) the State and financial intermediaries; 5) business and financial intermediaries; 6) the population and financial intermediaries; 7) the system of data of economic relations and the general economic situation. It is emphasized that the investment climate is formed primarily by macroeconomic conditions of reproduction, which affect the economic interest of the investor, turning them into incentives. Also, the investment process is based on achieving a certain level of production efficiency, which provides an opportunity to finance its renewal or expansion. It is justified that the investment climate directly stimulates the development of the national economy, which provides for the creation of a consistently favorable investment environment, reducing inflation, supporting the private sector, effective social policy, ensuring legal protection of investors and accumulation of financial resources for their further development.

Keywords: investment theory, favorable investment climate, investment environment, investment objects, investment activity of subjects, investment risks, investment policy.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Yachymets Yuriy М. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Mathematics and Economics, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University (24 Ivana Franka Str., Drohobych, 82100, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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