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The Essence and the Implementation Levels of Transport and Logistics Provision of Tourist Centers Projects
Khodikova I. V., Lapkina I. O.

Khodikova, Inna V., and Lapkina, Inna O. (2023) “The Essence and the Implementation Levels of Transport and Logistics Provision of Tourist Centers Projects.” Business Inform 3:63–71.

Section: Economics of Transport and Communications

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Tourist center is a locality (village, city, landscape) that attracts tourists due to the availability of specific resources and is a tourist service center with stable tourist flows, the leading system for which is the appropriate transport and logistics system. Its components are transport and logistics infrastructure – roads, communications, railway stations (passenger terminals) and vehicles. In turn, transport and logistics provision of tourism, and directly of tourist centers, is manifested in the use of this infrastructure and vehicles and supply of the relevant services. The state of transport and logistics infrastructure of the tourist center provides a certain level of transport and logistics services for tourists, including cost, time, quality, and safety. The purpose of this study is to define the main types of projects for transport and logistics provision of tourist centers and establish their specifics as a basis for further development related to the management of this category of projects. The main types of projects of transport and logistics provision of tourist centers, which are related to the creation/modernization/development by types of transport: objects of transport and logistics infrastructure (roads, tracks, railway stations, passenger terminals); vehicle parks; relevant services (transport routes). It is determined that projects of transport and logistics provision of tourist centers are related to obtaining a product that can be important for different spheres (not only tourism) and at different levels, which substantiates the concepts of «multidimensionality» and «multilevelness» of these projects and determines the essence of their specificity. In addition, many projects in this category are implemented at the State level (or with partial provision by the State) and are not commercial. It is found that in many projects there is a need to coordinate the parameters of the transport and logistics infrastructure of adjacent tourist centers and transport hubs, which are basic for tourist flows of a particular tourist center or their combination. These properties lead to the need to assess the value of these projects, taking into account the existing specifics.

Keywords: transport and logistics provision, project, management, tourist flows, infrastructure.

Fig.: 7. Bibl.: 17.

Khodikova Inna V. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Logistics Systems and Projects Management, Odesa National Maritime University (34 Mechnykova Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Lapkina Inna O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Logistics Systems and Projects Management, Odesa National Maritime University (34 Mechnykova Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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