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Systematizing the Evolution of Scientific Views on the Influence of the Transport Industry on the Economy
Shevchenko R. B., Ivashchenko T. O.

Shevchenko, Roman B., and Ivashchenko, Tetiana O. (2023) “Systematizing the Evolution of Scientific Views on the Influence of the Transport Industry on the Economy.” Business Inform 3:71–80.

Section: Economics of Transport and Communications

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at analyzing and systematizing the views of scientists on the transport industry in historical retrospective and its influence on the economy. The article reviews known theories and studies concerning the influence of the transport industry on the economy in order to generalize modern ideas about its development and allocate the most significant, impact views that must be taken into account when developing a domestic strategy for the development of the transport industry. During the literary review of scientific works, the directions of economic thought were analyzed and structured. Different approaches to assessing the role of transport in the economy are examined and the main factors that determine its influence on the socioeconomic development of the country are considered. Particular attention in the article is paid to the analysis of modern ideas about the transport industry, in particular regarding its role in the context of globalization, development of innovative technologies, increasing the level of safety and ensuring ecological sustainability. The authors considered key challenges and trends influencing the development of the transport industry, in particular the growth of freight and passenger traffic; development of international trade and transit transport; change in consumer preferences and behavior. The studies of modern authors on the specific economic influence of aspects of the transport industry on the economy of the country is systematized. Based on the analysis of the views of scientists, the main spheres of influence of transport on the economy have been allocated. The ultimate goal of this systematic review is to provide a clear and nuanced understanding of the ideas of scientists as to the influence of the development of the transport industry on the functioning of the economy, as well as finding perspective ideas for the domestic strategy for the development of the transport industry. Prospects for further research are the development and improvement of methods for assessing the influence of the transport industry on the economy, taking into account current challenges and trends, the development of efficient strategies for the development of the transport industry, taking into account its influence on the socioeconomic development of the country.

Keywords: transport industry, economy, scientific views, evolution, systematization, economic growth, infrastructure, logistics.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 42.

Shevchenko Roman B. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Enterprise Economics and Management, Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism (3a Kiltseva Doroha Str., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Ivashchenko Tetiana O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Enterprise Economics and Management, Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism (3a Kiltseva Doroha Str., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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