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Improving the Organization of Accounting of Fixed Assets of a Trading Enterprise
Porsiurova I. Р.

Porsiurova, Iryna Р. (2023) “Improving the Organization of Accounting of Fixed Assets of a Trading Enterprise.” Business Inform 4:117–123.

Section: Accounting and Auditing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 657.339

The article is aimed at identifying the existing accounting problems of a trading enterprise and providing recommendations for improving the organization of accounting for fixed assets of an economic entity. It is defined that the flow of incoming documents at an enterprise is an organized, coordinated process of moving documents from one responsible person to another according to the document turnover schedule developed and approved by the enterprise. The author studies the stages of organization of document turnover at an enterprise, compliance with which prevents loss of information on business transactions. Based on the analysis of the existing problems and errors in the accounting of the enterprise «Desega Holding Ukraine» LLC, it is proposed to conduct regular internal or audit checks on the accounting of fixed assets, the tasks of which are to analyze and control the operations of accounting for fixed assets. It is determined that in order to improve the technical condition of fixed assets, it is recommended that a trade enterprise carry out reconstruction and modernization of existing fixed assets. It is found that an important measure that facilitates the implementation of operations, in particular the movement of fixed assets, is internal control and analysis, for which the company has introduced the position of internal auditor, whose functions include control and analysis: the correctness of the attribution of tangible assets to fixed assets, their valuation, the correctness of computations of depreciation, timeliness and correctness of documentation, and reflection in the accounting registers of receipt and disposal of fixed assets, etc. To improve the accounting of fixed assets, it is proposed to create new analytical subaccounts on the basis of account 131 «Depreciation of fixed assets» - to allocate the accrued depreciation in accordance with the groups of fixed assets used at the enterprise. The stages of computerization of the accounting process are studied. On the basis of the carried out analysis of the IT market of computer technologies and systems, alternative domestic and foreign software products (services) that effectively provide accounting and electronic document management instead of the software product used by the trading enterprise are identified. When choosing a software product, «Desega Holding Ukraine» LLC should pay attention to the availability of technical settings for processing significant information data arrays for the industry capabilities of the enterprise. The author has developed a model of electronic document turnover for organization of fixed assets accounting in the management subsystem of a trade enterprise, which demonstrates the modules of an alternative software product, including the organization of electronic document turnover for the performed operations on fixed assets accounting. The proposals and recommendations provided will contribute to the effective organization of fixed assets accounting and managerial decisions that will lead to a more positive financial result of the trade enterprise.

Keywords: accounting, organization, fixed assets, trade enterprise, electronic document turnover.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 22.

Porsiurova Iryna Р. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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