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The Identification Signs of the Functioning of the Tourism Market in Spain
Tymoshchuk O. O.

Tymoshchuk, Oleksandr O. (2023) “The Identification Signs of the Functioning of the Tourism Market in Spain.” Business Inform 6:140–146.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

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The article examines a set of instruments that characterize the national peculiarities of achieving the quality of tourism services in the recreation industry of Spain, which has specific signs of competitiveness in the world tourism market. The necessity of the State support for the implementation of the conception of improving and ensuring the quality of tourism services as one of the prerogatives of the national policy of Spain, which is a characteristic feature of the tourism market, is substantiated. The content of five basic directions of the New Strategy for the Development of the Tourism Sector in Spain until 2030 is disclosed: joint management; sustainable growth; competitive transformation; tourist space, companies, and individuals; product, marketing and travel intelligence. It is noted that the comprehensive nature of the concept of marketing in tourism provides for its implementation at different levels of management of creation, formation, promotion and sale of tourism product. It is emphasized that an important role in comparing the pricing policies of hotels and tourist apartments in Spain is played by online travel agencies, which, on the one hand, attract tourists who are price sensitive, and on the other hand, combine many different hotel offers, which reduces the cost of information for tourists. The article allocates the brand of Spain and the tourist image, which it designs and which acts not only as a «brand umbrella», containing both communicative and tourism elements, but also forms its own tourist image of Spain, realized through tourist advertising. The article shows the necessity of segmentation of the tourism services market, i.e. development of a complex of marketing – targeting for classification of tourists into homogeneous groups or segments in terms of tourist preferences. The effectiveness of the State support of transport infrastructure as a key element of intensification of tourist flows to Spain is verified.

Keywords: tourism market, identification features, quality of tourist services, the State support for tourism, marketing communications in tourism, targeting, transport infrastructure.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 17.

Tymoshchuk Oleksandr O. – Candidate of Sciences (Law), Lecturer, Stryi Vocational College of the Lviv National University of Nature Management (169 Lvivska Str., Stryi, Lviv region, 82400, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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