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Tools for Ensuring a Sustainable Innovative Development of the National Economy Rybchuk A. V., Pavlyukh R. M.
Rybchuk, Anatoliy V., and Pavlyukh, Roman M. (2023) “Tools for Ensuring a Sustainable Innovative Development of the National Economy.” Business Inform 6:88–93.
Section: Innovative Processes
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 330.341
Abstract: The article examines the imperatives of the formation and application of innovative tools for the sustainable development of the national economy. It is noted that the formation of the innovative economy is connected with the formation of a new segment of the modern economy – the national innovation system (NIS), which is a set of the State innovation policy, subjects of innovation activity, innovation infrastructure, innovation processes and resources, where all elements are equivalent and are in close functional interdependence. It is emphasized that the most important condition for the modernization of the domestic economy is the formation of NIS, which should eliminate institutional and organizational gaps between the fundamental, applied, branch, educational and corporate sectors of science; to concentrate the necessary material, financial and personnel resources on strategic areas of innovative development. It is noted that the key task in the field of creating the infrastructure of the innovation system is to fill the missing links, which involves the development of institutions and mechanisms for financing innovations, production-technological information and consulting infrastructure, the network of which is developing at an extremely slow pace. The structure of the innovation mechanism is presented, which includes three management contours that provide the legislative basis for innovation activity; national competitiveness; management of sustainable development of the country through activation of human capital. It has been proven that the functions and tasks of the State regulation change in the conditions of the transition to an innovative model of development. The task of developing an effective policy, which plays the role of a catalyst in the formation of general conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and innovative activity, is put forward.
Keywords: innovation tools, sustainable innovation development, national innovation system, innovation infrastructure, innovation mechanism, innovation policy of the State.
Bibl.: 13.
Rybchuk Anatoliy V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Economics, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University (24 Ivana Franka Str., Drohobych, 82100, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Pavlyukh Roman M. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Mathematics and Economics, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University (24 Ivana Franka Str., Drohobych, 82100, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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Journal «The Problems of Economy»