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The Role of Staff in the Implementation of the Conception of «Lean Production» at a Transport Enterprise
Petrenko O. I.

Petrenko, Olha I. (2023) “The Role of Staff in the Implementation of the Conception of «Lean Production» at a Transport Enterprise.” Business Inform 8:288–294.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658.5:331.104

The aim of the article is to study the features of the role of staff in the transport enterprise on the basis of «lean production» as a component of the success of implementation. The article uses general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, deduction, grouping, structural and system analysis. The main attention is paid to the role of staff in the successful implementation of the conception of «lean production». In today’s world, in the face of resource scarcity and global economic instability, business strives to minimize costs as much as possible. This leads to the introduction of advanced technologies that allow to effectively solve business tasks and quickly respond to changes in the market environment. However, the growing role of the human factor also requires competent, motivated, dedicated employees with great adaptive potential. To function successfully, companies need not only to reduce production costs, but also to increase the efficiency of staff. The new requirements encourage the study of the management experience of the world’s leading countries and the possibilities of its implementation, taking into account the national mentality, the realities of Ukrainian business and the political situation. The role of staff within the framework of the system of «lean production», which is implemented in order to achieve a balance between reducing costs and maintaining high quality of products, where human resources are one of the main sources of improving the efficiency of transport enterprise, has been studied. It is analyzed that the main components of the success of the implementation of the concept of «lean production» are as follows: top management, training and education, employees, work culture, and motivation of staff. The staff motivation system should be simple and understandable to everyone, further is should be transparent and public. An efficient system of remuneration (compensations and bonuses) plays a significant role in staff management, namely, in attracting, motivating and retaining highly qualified employees. It is noted that the role of staff in the introduction and implementation of the concept of «lean production» is a key factor of success, especially for transport enterprises.

Keywords: lean manufacturing concept, transport enterprise, transport, staff, development, management, efficient development, enterprise management.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 16.

Petrenko Olha I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of the Business Logistics and Transport Technologies, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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