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Marketing of Opportunities as a Modern Concept for Business Development under the Conditions of Global Challenges
Zhehus O. V.

Zhehus, Olena V. (2023) “Marketing of Opportunities as a Modern Concept for Business Development under the Conditions of Global Challenges.” Business Inform 8:300–308.

Section: Management and Marketing

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The dynamic and global changes have led to the evolution of marketing as a modern theory of the firm’s behavior at the market along with the business philosophy. Taking into account the new challenges, the conception of marketing of opportunities, based on a new approach to business thinking, has been proposed and characterized. As a result of the changes that are taking place, a completely new reality is being formed, so the uncertainty is growing even more, fears and stupor are emerging, and the reaction of business is slowing down due to lack of experience and the misapprehension of how to proceed. Taking into account the inability of traditional management practices to solve business problems in new circumstances, a new model of business thinking has been formed, which provides for the speed of reaction to events and awareness of changes; optimism and a bold look into the future; inspiration and search for new opportunities; readiness and initiation of changes, proactivity of actions. Such a model is able to provide opportunities for regeneration and further development of the business, strengthen its resilience in any difficulties and further changes. In the context of marketing of opportunities, the transformation of the main principle of marketing «customer orientation» into «customer-centricity», and then into personification and individual approach is substantiated. Marketing is considered as an activity to create consumer value for the formation of a new customer experience to better meet individual needs, requests, interests, expectations of consumers, and solution of their life problems. The priority is the transition from standard solutions expected from the market to breakthrough ones, which in the near future are able to provide competitive advantages that go beyond the existing patterns and stereotypes, and are distinguished by tangible and obvious novelty. The conception of marketing of opportunities is aimed at creating a new or significantly updated, most importantly – unique product, service, brand in accordance with new consumer demands, challenges and achievements, able to provide leadership and business development prospects now and in the near future.

Keywords: marketing, business thinking, marketing of opportunities, change, new reality, consumer, prospects.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 20.

Zhehus Olena V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Marketing, Reputation Management and Customer Experience, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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