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Development of Professional Competence of Future Specialists in Transport Technologies in Maritime and River Transport through Professionogenesis
Shkurko Y. L.

Shkurko, Yelizaveta L. (2023) “Development of Professional Competence of Future Specialists in Transport Technologies in Maritime and River Transport through Professionogenesis.” Business Inform 9:135–146.

Section: Education and Science

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 629.5(075.8) + 378.147(075.8)

The purpose of the article is to conduct research and analyze the issue of forming the social and psychological competence of future specialists in transportation technologies in the maritime and river transport industry. The overall goal of the study is to identify key aspects and factors that influence the process of applicants’ professional development and their readiness to perform professional duties in the modern conditions of transportation industry development. The article explores important aspects of training future specialists who will work in the field of transport technologies, in particular, in maritime and river transport. The author of the article analyzes the theoretical foundations of the formation of professionogenesis and socio-psychological competence of applicants aimed at creating a basis for the professional development of future specialists. In order to achieve this goal, the scholars have developed a methodology for organizing an experimental study that allowed to determine the level of readiness of applicants of higher and vocational education institutions to obtain technical education and form competencies for further professional growth in the transport industry. The study identified the key components that affect the readiness of applicants to work in the transport industry, in particular in the field of maritime and river transport. Practical recommendations for the implementation and improvement of the professional qualities of applicants in the field of preparation for professional activities in the transport industry, in particular in the water transport sector, are elaborated. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that through this research, the scientific community has the opportunity to obtain new data regarding the formation of professionogenesis and professional growth of applicants specializing in transportation fields, particularly in maritime and river transport. The research findings can be used to improve educational programs and teaching methods aimed at providing more effective training for future professionals in the transportation industry. Overall, this article represents a significant contribution to the development of scientific thought in the field of professional preparation for future specialists in transportation technologies, and it also provides practical recommendations for their successful professional development in the transportation sector, fostering the further growth and enhancement of this industry.

Keywords: professionogenesis, professional development, specialist in transport technologies (maritime and river transport), professional qualities, social and psychological components.

Fig.: 12. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 16.

Shkurko Yelizaveta L. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Logistics and Transport Technologies, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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