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Formation of High-Performance Project Teams
Luchko H. Y.

Luchko, Halyna Yo. (2023) “Formation of High-Performance Project Teams.” Business Inform 9:249–254.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 331

The aim of the article is to develop recommendations for the formation and development of highly productive project teams through the implementation of an effective motivational influence on their participants and the creation of a favorable project environment. In spite of difficult living conditions, Ukrainian entrepreneurs can ensure an effective operation of a company through the implementation of projects that allow to proactively influence the needs of society and ensure rapid adaptation to changes in the environment. The successful implementation of one’s own ideas through the implementation of projects significantly depends on the professional application of project management tools and on the effective work of the project team. The article examines the importance of transforming a group of people involved in the implementation of a project into a highly productive team. It is noted that one of the key points in the formation and management of high-performance project teams is the motivation of team members, since the success of the entire project will significantly depend on the level of interest of the participants in the implementation of the tasks. The interpretation of the concept of «motivation» is considered and the definition of motivation in the management of project teams is proposed. It is proved that in order to form a high-performing team, it is important to establish effective relationships between the project manager and all members, as well as to build an open communication environment within the team. It is important for a project manager to find individual motivation factors for each team member, to understand their needs and values in order to develop an effective motivation system. Factors that can be valuable for team members are highlighted. The article also proposes methods of motivation of team members, which a project manager, taking into account an individual approach, can use in order to form and develop high-performance teams. The factors that will contribute to the creation of a favorable environment that will allow teams to maximize the potential of each member are allocated. Active communication with each team member, effective motivational influence in accordance with the motivation factors of each participant and the creation of a favorable project environment will allow the project manager to form a high-performance team that will ensure the successful implementation of the particular project.

Keywords: project team, motivation, project environment.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Luchko Halyna Yo. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Project Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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“Top 10 Project Team Motivation Techniques For Better Performance“. Leadership & Team Management. 2023.


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