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The Global Experience of Setting up and Developing a System of Public Administration of Digitization Processes: The Institutional Basis and Resource Provision
Shchupakivskyi R. V.

Shchupakivskyi, Roman V. (2023) “The Global Experience of Setting up and Developing a System of Public Administration of Digitization Processes: The Institutional Basis and Resource Provision.” Business Inform 9:26–31.

Section: Foreign Experience

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UDC 338.2:330.3

The aim of the article is to generalize the global experience of setting up and developing a system of public administration of digitalization processes, focusing on the institutional basis and resource provision. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of numerous scholars, also taking into account the dynamic trends of deepening globalization and neo-industrialization, conclusions are drawn about the constant development and active use of new mechanisms and means by highly developed countries in the implementation of digital transformation of the economy. As a result of the study, it was found that the system of public management of digitalization processes is built in accordance with the established institutional basis (existing regulatory framework; adopted strategies, target programs, conceptions, projects). On the example of numerous highly developed countries, the progressive spread of e-government in the system of public regulation of the digital transformation of the economy is underlined, which provides for the transfer of a number of administrative services to the information and communication format, the creation of a system of electronic interaction of public authorities, the formation of digital platforms for communication of the regular people, business, and the State institutions. It is emphasized that despite the absence of separate bodies in the system of the State power, some countries create non-government institutions to organize the digital transformation of the economy. It is proved that an important structural component of the national policy of digitalization is resource provision, and first of all, the accumulation of financial and investment resources through investment funds (agencies), banking structures, credit organizations, and other institutions. The priority object of the State policy for the development of the digital economy sector is considered to be institutional and infrastructural support. In this context, an important role of research structures in the development of digitalization of the economy is highlighted. Prospects for further research in this direction should be considered to determine, in accordance with the successful experience of highly developed countries, other priority areas of public regulation of the digital economy sector, taking into account organizational, economic, technological, and other features of digital development.

Keywords: digital technologies, digitalization, information and communication technologies, public policy, digital development, digital economy.

Bibl.: 18.

Shchupakivskyi Roman V. – Doctor of Sciences (Law), Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Economics, Lviv University of Trade and Economics (10 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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