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A Risk-oriented Approach Is the Basis for Identifying and Preventing Threats to the Economic Security of the State
Shot A. P.

Shot, Anna P. (2023) “A Risk-oriented Approach Is the Basis for Identifying and Preventing Threats to the Economic Security of the State.” Business Inform 9:56–63.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

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UDC 330.131.7.351746.1

Today, in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine and of the deficit of the State budget, the issue of ensuring the economic security of the State as a component of national security is the highest priority and of big importance. Ensuring the economic security of the country is the prerogative of the State, and it should be supported by the entire system of the State bodies, especially law enforcement ones, among which the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine (ESBU) plays a key role. In order to identify risks that weaken the economic security of the State, the ESBU uses a risk-oriented approach in its work, which is an identifier of the risks of committing criminal offenses in the budgetary, tax, customs, monetary, and investment spheres of the economy. Also, based on the results of the risk assessment, the ESBU develops and implements measures aimed at minimizing or eliminating them. Therefore, taking into account the external and internal threats to the country’s economy, the issue of applying a risk-oriented approach to identify the risks of committing criminal offenses in the field of economics is relevant, needs to be researched and remains a priority for both business and the State as a whole. The objectives of the study are: analysis of the results of the ESBU’s activities; disclosure of the procedure for the introduction and use of a risk-oriented approach in the work of the ESBU units; determination of the feasibility and benefits of using this approach in order to identify the risk of committing criminal offenses in the field of economy and prevent threats that affect the economic security of the State. The place, role and main tasks of the ESBU are considered: identification of risk areas in the field of economy; protection of public finances of the State; assessment of risks and threats to the economic security of the State; development of ways to minimize and eliminate them. It is determined that the most effective in the work of the ESBU analytical units is a risk-oriented approach, which makes it possible to predict threats and promptly take measures to prevent and/or counteract them. An analysis of the risks identified by the ESBU in the field of economy is carried out. It is found that the tax and customs spheres are the most risky for the country’s economy, since they account for almost 2/3 of all identified risks (72%). The necessity and expediency of using a risk-oriented approach in the work of the ESBU is substantiated, taking into account the requirements of the time and international experience. A model for managing risks of economic security of the State using a risk-oriented approach has been proposed. It is proved that today, in the conditions of war, there is a threat to the economic security of the State, and the key role in the protection of the latter is assigned to the ESBU.

Keywords: economic security, risk-oriented approach, risk, threat, criminal offenses, the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 12.

Shot Anna P. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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“Zvit pro diialnist Biuro ekonomichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy za 2022 rik“ [Report on the activities of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine for 2022].


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