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Realities of the Current State of Management of Economic Transformation in the Context of the Green Transition under the Influence of War Zhurba Y. A.
Zhurba, Yaroslav A. (2023) “Realities of the Current State of Management of Economic Transformation in the Context of the Green Transition under the Influence of War.” Business Inform 9:64–69.
Section: Ecology and Environmental Management
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Abstract: The global trend of transition to a green economy has become a key component of the development of developed countries. This process is driven by many factors, including growing awareness of climate change, pollution, and the need to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. Developed countries are actively implementing green technologies, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, and supporting the creation of sustainable infrastructure that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This trend is also reflected in policy decisions and legislation aimed at encouraging environmentally friendly production and consumption. The green economy is becoming a source of innovation and new opportunities for job creation and increasing the competitiveness of countries in the global market. However, this process also requires serious efforts and investments in the research and development of new technologies, as well as in the training of the workforce for green economy sectors. The global trend of transition to a green economy is an important step in preserving the environment and ensuring sustainable development in the future. The need to transform Ukraine’s economy within the framework of the green economy is a relevant and urgent task. The country is facing complex challenges related to climate change, the depletion of natural resources, and environmental pollution. The green economy is an important instrument for ensuring sustainable development and reducing the negative impact on the environment. The transformation of the economy includes the transition to the use of renewable energy sources, support for energy efficiency, the development of environmentally friendly technologies and green infrastructure projects. This transformation can provide new markets and jobs, foster innovation, and increase Ukraine’s competitiveness in the global market. In addition, the green economy helps to reduce dependence on energy imports and ensures the country’s energy security. The role of the government in creating a favorable legal environment and incentive mechanisms for the development of green technologies and investment in green projects is also important. The coordinated transformation of the economy in a green direction meets global challenges and is a strategic step to ensure sustainable development and improve the quality of life of Ukrainian citizens.
Keywords: economic transformation, green economy, green transition.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.
Zhurba Yaroslav A. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management and Administration, Educational and Research Institute «Karazin Business School» of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (1 Myronosytska Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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