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The Role of Eco-Innovation in Supporting Resource Efficiency and Corporate Stability for Sustainable Economic Growth
Paduraru T.

Paduraru, Tatiana. (2023) “The Role of Eco-Innovation in Supporting Resource Efficiency and Corporate Stability for Sustainable Economic Growth.” Business Inform 9:70–77.

Section: Ecology and Environmental Management

Article is written in English
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UDC 330.34:502.3

In the context of the growing global concern for sustainable economic growth, the importance of managing limited natural resources and minimizing the impact on the environment is becoming increasingly evident. In this direction, joint efforts must focus on developing an economy that meets the needs of the present without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. To achieve this goal, eco-innovation becomes essential, by promoting the development and implementation of innovative technologies aimed at supporting resource efficiency and reducing the negative impact on the environment. In this context, the paper aims to analyze the role of eco-innovation in resource efficiency, where the author presents and explains the interdependence between the 2 concepts in the context of sustainable economic growth. At the same time, the paper aims to analyze the activities undertaken by companies from the Republic of Moldova in terms of resource efficiency and the impact of climate change on strategies. The methodology is based on the survey method, methods of analysis and synthesis of data interpretation and relevant comparisons. The research results illustrate different ways in which companies are adapting to changes in their environment, including climate change, and various efforts to improve resource efficiency, which remain very modest. This underlines the importance of developing and implementing resource optimization strategies within companies, through eco-innovations, while monitoring the impact of these strategies, which is a way to respond to permanent challenges in the business environment and to contribute to strengthening a more sustainable economy.

Keywords: sustainable economic growth, eco-innovation, resource efficiency, sustainable development, corporate stability, Republic of Moldova.

Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 13.

Paduraru Tatiana – Postgraduate Student, Academy of Economic Education of Moldova (61 Benulescu-Bodoni Str., Chisinau, Moldova)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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