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Implementation of an Investment Project Within the Framework of Ensuring the Management of Energy Security of Enterprises: The Organizational and Economic Aspect
Budanov M. P.

Budanov, Mykola P. (2024) “Implementation of an Investment Project Within the Framework of Ensuring the Management of Energy Security of Enterprises: The Organizational and Economic Aspect.” Business Inform 10:102–110.

Section: Investment Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.24:621.31

The article develops a comprehensive methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of investment projects within the framework of ensuring the management of energy security of enterprises, this methodology is based on a system approach to the calculation of economic indicators and prompt adjustment of managerial decisions in real time. The main aim of this methodology is to increase the objectivity of assessing the level of energy security of enterprises in order to formalize managerial influences by integrating both quantitative and qualitative characteristics of investment projects. A complex multi-level process of efficiency assessment is considered, consisting of a certain number of interrelated stages, each of them being of significant importance for a comprehensive analysis of the economic feasibility of investments. Particular attention is paid to the identification and assessment of risks, which allows not only to identify potential threats, but also to develop appropriate corrective measures to minimize them. Important aspects of the methodology are the selection of the main indicators for assessing the economic efficiency of investment projects, such as net profit, profitability ratio, return on investment, which allow for a comprehensive analysis of the economic feasibility and feasibility of the project. These indicators altogether provide an opportunity to carry out a comprehensive assessment of investment projects, taking into account the financial risks that are necessary for making informed managerial decisions in the field of investment. Based on the analytical expressions for calculating the indicators of economic efficiency, which are given in the article, it is possible to conclude about the economic feasibility of introducing the accident prevention module. This allows us to assess how profitable the implementation of this project is to ensure the state of energy security of the power unit of the power plant and increase its overall efficiency. The application of the proposed methodology in real conditions verifies its efficiency and adaptability to dynamically changing market conditions and technological innovations, which provides the possibility of its use in the strategic perspective.

Keywords: energy security, economic efficiency, assessment methodology, investments.

Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Budanov Mykola P. – Applicant, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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