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The Directions and Tools for Ensuring the Development of Agribusiness Based on the Introduction of Internet of Things Technologies
Lupak R. L., Nakonechna N. V.

Lupak, Ruslan L., and Nakonechna, Nataliya V. (2024) “The Directions and Tools for Ensuring the Development of Agribusiness Based on the Introduction of Internet of Things Technologies.” Business Inform 10:137–143.

Section: Problems of Business

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 631.1:339.138

The article highlights the importance of active technologization and informatization of agricultural entrepreneurship, which not only affects its financial, economic and other results, but also determines the overall degree of food security of the national economy. The Internet of Things technology is considered from the point of view of its capabilities to comprehensively and systematically ensure the sequence of all vital operations in the agrarian sector, which provides for the formation of a closed production cycle and the introduction of agricultural products of high quality and innovativeness to the market. The main conclusions of the article relate to the establishment and expansion of the State support for agricultural entrepreneurship in the introduction of Internet of Things technologies, and according to this, the institutional and structural directions of the State policy and the corresponding tools for ensuring the development of the studied area are allocated. The article emphasizes the first-order significance of forming and improving the legislative and legal framework along with information and methodological support, the development of the institutional management system, the expansion of the spheres of cooperation and partnership of the agribusiness (institutional direction) and the strengthening of the orientation of the agribusiness to the establishment of new production of agricultural products of high added value and in-depth processing with a high level of quality and consumer characteristics, optimization of raw materials sources and their rational distribution (structural direction) in ensuring the development of agricultural entrepreneurship on the basis of the introduction of Internet of Things technologies. Priority is given to the processes of modernization of infrastructure support, elimination of legal restrictions, strengthening quality standards and monitoring and control of agricultural production processes, optimization of sources of resource provision, expansion of integration and cooperation relations, etc.

Keywords: agricultural entrepreneurship, agribusiness, agrarian sector, Internet of Things, information technology, State policy, enterprises.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 14.

Lupak Ruslan L. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economics, Lviv University of Trade and Economics (10 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Nakonechna Nataliya V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology Security, Lviv Polytechnic National University (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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