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The Role of Animal Husbandry in Ensuring Sustainable Development of the Agrarian Sector
Glushkov O. A.

Glushkov, Oleg A. (2024) “The Role of Animal Husbandry in Ensuring Sustainable Development of the Agrarian Sector.” Business Inform 10:216–222.

Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 636:338.43.02:502/504

The article is devoted to the study of the role of animal husbandry in ensuring the sustainable development of the agrarian sector. The aim of the study is to determine the role of animal husbandry in ensuring the sustainable development of the agrarian sector by identifying key factors affecting its efficiency, ecological sustainability and socioeconomic significance. The article considers the current state, problems and prospects for the development of animal husbandry as a key branch of the agrarian sector, which ensures the economic stability of rural areas and food security of the country. The study provides an analysis of the main economic, environmental and social aspects of the functioning of the industry, in particular, the role of animal husbandry in providing the population with food products of high biological value and raw materials for industry. The study substantiates the need to integrate the principles of sustainable development into animal husbandry to overcome the challenges associated with environmental loads (greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution and soil degradation). Statistical data confirming the decline in the productivity of the industry and the decrease in the quality of livestock products in Ukraine are presented. In particular, a significant reduction in the number of cattle, a decrease in milk and wool production, as well as a shift in emphasis to the production of poultry meat were found. The study revealed the main problems hindering the development of the industry, such as low investments, lack of innovative technologies, outdated approaches to resource management and insufficient breeding work. Attention is also focused on the need to increase the competitiveness of the industry through the introduction of modern innovations, in particular the rational use of natural resources, organic animal husbandry and cost optimization. The study proposes strategic directions for the sustainable development of animal husbandry, which provide for ecological sustainability, economic efficiency and social responsibility. In particular, it is recommended to use technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, introduce effective feed management models, develop organic production, stimulate investment and introduce innovative approaches to animal keeping. Animal husbandry is considered as a driver of economic growth of rural communities, capable of providing employment, increasing farmers’ incomes and contributing to the harmonious development of agroecosystems. Particular attention is paid to the role of biodiversity in agroecosystems, which supports the natural cycle of nutrients, pest control and adaptation to climate change.

Keywords: animal husbandry, food security, development of the agrarian sector, ecological sustainability, intensification of production, sustainable development.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Glushkov Oleg A. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Director, Branch Division «Vocational College of Oil and Gas Technologies, Engineering and Service Infrastructure of Odesa National Technological University» (46a Levitana Str., Odesa, 65088, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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