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The Status and Features of the State Regulation of the Organic Products Market in Ukraine Lohosha R. V.
Lohosha, Roman V. (2024) “The Status and Features of the State Regulation of the Organic Products Market in Ukraine.” Business Inform 10:223–231.
Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 0 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 351:631
Abstract: The article is aimed at studying the current status and features of the State regulation of the organic products market in Ukraine. The article conducts a study of the domestic and foreign markets of organic products, which are growing rapidly. Current trends in the global organic products market demonstrate a gradual increase in demand for organic products. Ukrainian producers of organic products are increasing their production volumes and their share in the foreign market every year. However, the development of the domestic market of organic products is still unconsolidated and unbalanced. The development of organic production in Ukraine faces such problems as an imperfect legislative framework, producers’ orientation towards exports, a limited range of goods, an underdeveloped infrastructure of the organic products market, etc. More than 400 types of organic products are produced in Ukraine, the volume of the relevant exports, even under martial law, has increased significantly, and the country has become the third most important supplier of organic products to the EU. The main directions of the State regulation of the organic products market in Ukraine are the creation of a quality control system for organic products at all stages of the movement of goods, intellectual and informational support for market development and financial assistance for the development of organic producers. In Ukraine, organic production is regulated by law, taking into account the certification of organic agriculture operators, and control over this process is carried out by 18 accredited international certification bodies. Also in Ukraine, legislation in the field of organic matter is being updated gradually. One of the key areas of the State regulation of the organic products market in Ukraine in accordance with European and world practices is the introduction of a system of market surveillance, which ensures the compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations and verifies absence of threats to safety, health or other aspects of the protection of public interests. The study found that the State support for organic producers (provision of budget subsidies, compensation, reimbursement) is provided for by the current legislation, however, due to the lack of an established procedure for its distribution, no commissions were created at the regional level to determine the recipients of State support, and many regions did not implement regional support programs. The current financing of organic production in Ukraine is possible mainly through participation in grant programs. The State policy of Ukraine in the field of production and sale of organic products is focused on improving the current legislation, implementing European directives, harmonizing national standards with international and European ones. The State regulation of the organic products market in Ukraine requires the presence of organizational, legal and economic mechanisms that stimulate producers to organic production.
Keywords: organic products, organic production, organic products market, State regulation, legislative support, certification, product quality.
Bibl.: 22.
Lohosha Roman V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Agricultural Management and Marketing, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (3 Soniachna Str., Vinnytsia, 21008, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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