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Management of Strategic Development of Agrarian Enterprises to Achieve Their Effective Competitiveness Oliinyk T. I., Dubyna V. V.
Oliinyk, Tetiana I., and Dubyna, Valeriia V. (2024) “Management of Strategic Development of Agrarian Enterprises to Achieve Their Effective Competitiveness.” Business Inform 10:231–239.
Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
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UDC 631.1:658.512
Abstract: The article considers the basics of strategic planning in agrarian enterprises as a key element of ensuring their sustainable development and adaptation to market changes. The main aim of the study is to formulate recommendations for improving strategic management, based on the analysis of market conditions and internal resources of enterprises. Using SWOT analysis, the authors identify the strengths and weaknesses of enterprises, as well as the opportunities and threats they face. In particular, the importance of market segmentation is pointed out to identify target groups of consumers and adapt products to their needs. The article also highlights the stages of expansion into new markets, namely the selection of the target market, the adaptation of products and the conclusion of agreements with local distributors. The authors underline the need to modernize production and logistics infrastructure, introduce the latest technologies and develop an effective marketing strategy. Attention is focused on the importance of monitoring and evaluating results, which allow timely adjustment of strategic goals. The conclusions emphasize the prospects for further research in the direction of environmental sustainability, the use of digital technologies and data analysis, which will contribute to increasing the adaptability of agrarian enterprises to the challenges of the modern market. The article is a useful resource for specialists in the agrarian sector who seek to improve their strategic approaches and secure competitiveness.
Keywords: strategic planning, agrarian enterprises, SWOT analysis, expansion of markets, modernization, marketing strategy, monitoring, competitiveness.
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 15.
Oliinyk Tetiana I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Nauky Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Dubyna Valeriia V. – Student, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Nauky Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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