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The Theoretical and Methodological Support for the Automation of Monitoring and Control Processes in Agricultural Enterprises Nosach N. M., Yehiozarian A. H.
Nosach, Nataliia M., and Yehiozarian, Artur H. (2024) “The Theoretical and Methodological Support for the Automation of Monitoring and Control Processes in Agricultural Enterprises.” Business Inform 10:295–301.
Section: Economics of Enterprise
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UDC 631.16:330.1:658.5:63.3
Abstract: The article considers the theoretical and methodological foundations of automation of monitoring and controlling processes in agro-industrial enterprises. The aim of the study is to analyze, systematize and generalize the existing conceptual foundations for the introduction of monitoring and controlling in the management of an agricultural enterprise, as well as to improve the theoretical and methodological support for the automation of the processes of monitoring and controlling of agricultural enterprises. The article specifies the importance of modern monitoring and controlling systems that ensure management efficiency, cost optimization and increase of productivity of agricultural enterprises. It is substantiated that monitoring and controlling play an important role in the modern management of agro-industrial complexes, as they contribute to the adoption of informed decisions, efficient planning and achievement of strategic goals. The study further substantiates that the automation of monitoring processes allows you to quickly track the implementation of agro-technical operations, identify deviations from the planned indicators and make adjustments at the early stages. Examples of the use of sensor technologies for collecting data on the state of plants, analyzing agro-meteorological indicators and monitoring the application of fertilizers and irrigation are provided. This helps to reduce overuse of resources, minimize environmental impact, and improve planning accuracy. It is revealed that the automation of controlling is an important tool for supporting the strategic management of agricultural enterprises, as it allows you to efficiently allocate resources, analyze financial indicators and adapt plans to changes in market conditions. The study showed that automated systems allow agricultural enterprises to reduce production costs, quickly respond to changes in market conditions, and optimize the use of resources. It is substantiated that monitoring and controlling are interrelated: monitoring provides the information base necessary for controlling, while controlling supports management decisions aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the enterprise. The introduction of such systems allows not only to increase the efficiency of production processes, but also to ensure the sustainable development of the agricultural sector in conditions of instability and changes in the market environment.
Keywords: monitoring, controlling, automation, agricultural enterprises.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.
Nosach Nataliia M. – Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Management, Business and Administration, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Yehiozarian Artur H. – Deputy Head of the Department, North-Eastern Office of the State Audit Service (5 Svobody Square, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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