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Financial and Resource Support for the Implementation of Programs for the Development of Enterprises in the Aviation Industry
Panchenko V. A.

Panchenko, Volodymyr A. (2024) “Financial and Resource Support for the Implementation of Programs for the Development of Enterprises in the Aviation Industry.” Business Inform 10:302–308.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article emphasizes the relevance of new issues of managing the viability and development of domestic enterprises in the aviation industry. It is shown that in order to preserve their own viability, to be ready to resume operations after the end of the full-scale war, and to increase the volume of business on foreign markets, the enterprises of the aviation industry of Ukraine should guarantee a high level of management quality, in the structure of which an important place is given to the system of resource provision of enterprises.It is argued that capital along withthe investment and financial resources are the leading resource of aviation industry enterprises, but such groups of resource provision as intellectual and personnel potential,progressive equipment and technologies, information and communication support, and material and resource base are becoming no less relevant. It is concluded that this is why the problem of forming financial and resource support for the implementation of development programs of aviation industry enterprises has a high level of relevance on an ongoing basis. Accordingly, the aim of the study is to improve the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation and effective use of financial and resource support for the implementation of development programs of aviation enterprises. It is proved that in order to form financial and resource support for the implementation of programs for the development of Ukrainian enterprises in the aviation industry, it is necessary to ensure the development of such components as: own financial support; involved financial and investment base; intellectual and personnel capital; material and technical support; technical and technological basis; information and analytical support. It is argued that the effective use of financial and resource support for the implementation of programs for the development of domestic enterprises in the aviation industry involves: (1) the formation of a base for stable functioning; (2) creation of conditions for investment and innovation development; (3) ensuring the development of the enterprise on the basis of innovation.

Keywords: aviation industry enterprises, air transportation, development programs, enterprise management, financial and resource support, viability, development, war.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Panchenko Volodymyr A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Aviation Management, Ukrainian State Flight Academy (1 Stepana Chobanu Str., Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad region, 25005, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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