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Approaches and Principles of Formation of the Personnel Support System of Entrepreneurial Entities
Tararuiev I. O., Ostrohliad V. K.

Tararuiev, Iurii O., and Ostrohliad, Valerii K. (2024) “Approaches and Principles of Formation of the Personnel Support System of Entrepreneurial Entities.” Business Inform 10:496–501.

Section: Management and Marketing

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UDC 331.108

The article summarizes the theoretical foundations of personnel support of entrepreneurial entities and defines the principles and approaches to the formation of the system of personnel support of entrepreneurial entities (EE). The main subsystems of the system of ensuring the activities of entrepreneurial entities are considered and it is determined that personnel support is of particular importance in the activities of these entities. The essence of the concept of «personnel support» is considered and the authors’ own definition of the concept of «personnel support of entrepreneurial entities» is provided. The main components of personnel support of EE are allocated as follows: planning the need for personnel, selection of personnel, control of the work and behavior of employees, meeting the needs and interests of personnel, formation of the labor collective, development of personnel potential. The article specifies that in order for EE to effectively carry out their functioning, it is necessary to have proper staffing, which should ensure stability and flexibility in the implementation of the tasks assigned to it. This can be achieved through the formation of a personnel support system for business entities. The formation of the system of personnel support of EE provides for the definition of the main approaches to its formation. Among the main approaches are identified: system, functional, strategic, socioeconomic and adaptive approaches. The formation of the system of personnel support for the functioning of EE also provides for the definition of certain principles, which also serve as a methodological basis for the formation of the mechanism of personnel support of EE. Among the key principles of personnel support of EE, the following are highlighted: systematicity, comprehensiveness, flexibility, systematic monitoring, adaptability, rationality and economic efficiency, variability, efficiency and dynamism. It is concluded that EE need to develop, implement and use an effective staffing system. This system will create opportunities for EE to gain competitive advantages, and for staff to improve the quality of their professional life. Further areas of research are the definition of the components and the formation of a mechanism for personnel support the business entity.

Keywords: personnel support, entrepreneurial entities, personnel, approaches and principles, system.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Tararuiev Iurii O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (17 Chornohlazivska Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Ostrohliad Valerii K. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (17 Chornohlazivska Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Ivchenko, Ye. A., and Ivchenko, Yu. A. “Doslidzhennia pryntsypiv pobudovy ta funktsionuvannia systemy ekonomichnoi bezpeky pidpryiemstva“ [Study of the Principles of Construction and Functioning of the Economic Security System of the Enterprise]. Upravlinnia proiektamy ta rozvytok vyrobnytstva. 2017.


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