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Improving the Approaches to Assessing the Efficiency of the Implementation of Communication Strategies of the Enterprise
Rubel K. V.

Rubel, Kostiantyn V. (2024) “Improving the Approaches to Assessing the Efficiency of the Implementation of Communication Strategies of the Enterprise.” Business Inform 10:502–509.

Section: Management and Marketing

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UDC 658.3:005.96

The article is aimed at studying the features of methodological foundations and approaches that can be applied to the evaluation of not single communication actions, but communication strategies. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of many scholars, taking into account the large number of types of assessment proposed in scientific schools, designed for different situations and with different purposes, it is proved that evaluation is an important tool for understanding the effectiveness of a program or initiative. As a result of the study, the importance of the implementation of international assessment standards in the practice of enterprise management (administration) in the context of European integration is emphasized. Unsolved aspects of the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of communications are allocated. Parallels are drawn between the strategizing of communication tasks in the documents of the security sector of Ukraine and the possibilities of their application in management practices at the enterprise level. The proposed simplicative approach is relevant to the capabilities of each communication project manager at each stage of planning and implementation of the program and allows making adjustments to them in accordance with the recommendations of international organizations that deal with the related issues. Analysis of the assessment results allows you to better understand the needs and reactions of the audience to certain communication messages and events. The need to distinguish between methods for assessing the effectiveness of communications and methods for evaluating their efficiency has been substantiated. A simplicative approach to evaluating the implementation of communication projects of enterprises is proposed. Prospects for further research in this direction are to solve the problems of the basic principle of distributed understanding and evaluation of the result and efficiency of the enterprise, which can become the basis for evaluating complex communication strategies of large and medium-sized enterprises in the industry. The solution of this aspect of the topic requires further analysis, and in the conditions of wartime – a methodological study of the impact of delayed effects, factors, unpredictable risks, taking into account the parameters of the enterprise’s resilience to them.

Keywords: communication strategies, enterprise, strategic communications, management, planning, efficiency.

Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 13.

Rubel Kostiantyn V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, State University of Information and Communication Technology (7 Solomianska Str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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