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The Approach to Assessing the Level of Digital Mobility of Human Capital of Railway Transport Enterprises
Kosintseva P. Y.

Kosintseva, Polina Yu. (2024) “The Approach to Assessing the Level of Digital Mobility of Human Capital of Railway Transport Enterprises.” Business Inform 10:754–754.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 331.1:658.7

The article explores approaches to assessing human capital. It is determined that several key approaches to the assessment of human capital have been formed, namely cost, income, effective, investment, comparative (market) and expert approaches, as well as there are indicators that are used to reflect the global ranking of countries by the level of their human capital. Based on the key role of digital competence of employees in improving the performance of enterprises, the article reveals the content and defines the key components of digital mobility of human capital, such as cloud technologies, mobile devices and applications, cybersecurity tools, communication platforms, services for organizing and managing projects, the capabilities of which make it possible to organize and effectively conduct working meetings, maintain external relations, study and exchange data, and therefore significantly increase the level of adaptability of employees, the efficiency of their work, make it possible to form international talented teams, not limited by territorial boundaries. The specifics of digital mobility of human capital of railway transport enterprises are determined, which is due to the special conditions of their work, requirements for the competence of personnel and the active implementation of digital solutions in professional activities. A methodical approach to assessing the level of digital mobility of human capital of railway transport enterprises is formed, which is based on the calculation of an integral indicator and reflects the completeness of the employee’s mastery of professional digital tools, technical literacy, digital adaptability, motivation for self-learning in digital tools, the level of digital communication and digital safety and hygiene. It is concluded that the use of such an approach to assessing the level of digital mobility of human capital of railway transport enterprises will make it possible to establish the level of employees’ proficiency in digital tools, their readiness to learn digital literacy, and, therefore, to identify the potential level of support by industry employees for measures in the field of digital transformation.

Keywords: human capital, digital mobility, components of digital mobility, methodical approach, assessment, railway transport enterprises.

Fig.: 1. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 17.

Kosintseva Polina Yu. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, Public Administration and HR Technologies, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (7 Feierbakha Square, Kharkіv, 61050, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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