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An Organizational Mechanism for Ensuring the Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship on the Principles of Sustainability
Rybak M. O.

Rybak, Mariia O. (2024) “An Organizational Mechanism for Ensuring the Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship on the Principles of Sustainability.” Business Inform 1:139–146.

Section: Problems of Business

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.312

The article forms an organizational mechanism for ensuring the development of innovative entrepreneurship on the principles of sustainability. It is noted that the process of development of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine is complex due to the lack of effective tools, methods, means, levers and regulators of innovative development of economic systems. These elements are interrelated and comprise the innovation mechanism of the business entity. The conception of sustainable development is fundamental for studying the nature of development of innovative entrepreneurship (both an individual enterprise and the country’s economy as a whole), since it takes into account different directions of development, on the one hand, and provides for the use of various tools to ensure development, taking into account its components, on the other hand. The basic provisions and prerequisites for the formation of an organizational mechanism for ensuring the development of innovative entrepreneurship on the principles of sustainability are defined. It is noted that the development of innovative entrepreneurship depends on the conception of sustainable development, which takes into account various aspects of the activities of enterprises and their impact on society. In particular, the conception of sustainable development orients the business entity to ensure social responsibility, economical use of resources, respect for resources and their conservation, respect for the environment in which it operates, and increasing the level of environmental safety. It is concluded that the development of innovative entrepreneurship on the principles of sustainability and providing it with all the necessary resources is a determining condition for economic growth and transformation of the economic system of our country. The formed organizational mechanism for ensuring the development of innovative entrepreneurship on the principles of sustainability will allow to achieve equilibrium for participants in the innovation process under the following conditions: improving the quality of scientific potential; improvement of scientific and technical potential; formation of highly qualified productive forces; creation of an appropriate regulatory framework; attraction of investments in innovations; formation of a developed market innovation infrastructure.

Keywords: organizational mechanism, provision, development, entrepreneurship, principles, sustainable development.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 11.

Rybak Mariia O. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Polissia National University (7 Staryi Blvd, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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