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Conceptual Foundations for Creating a Competent Organization in the Conditions of Intensification of the European Integration Processes in Ukraine
Gruzina I. A.

Gruzina, Inna A. (2024) “Conceptual Foundations for Creating a Competent Organization in the Conditions of Intensification of the European Integration Processes in Ukraine.” Business Inform 2:279–288.

Section: Management and Marketing

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UDC 005.336.2:65.01

The obvious transformation of the world economic space puts forward new requirements for the adaptive properties of Ukrainian organizations in the context of their adaptation to new threats and challenges. Of critical importance is the creation and development of organizations that, due to their internal characteristics, are able to gain the status of competent both in the European and post-war Ukrainian markets. The aim of the article is to develop a conception for the creation and functioning of a competent organization, which consists of a set of interrelated provisions, which will allow to develop methodological support for this process, taking into account the specific characteristics of each stage of the organization’s life cycle. The article characterizes the procedure for carrying out scientific research of a competent organization at the metatheoretical level of cognition, which harmoniously combines the use of methods of empirical and theoretical levels, combining them into a group of general scientific ones. The necessity of adopting a synergetic paradigm of research, which provides an opportunity to study competent organizations as systems that are difficult to describe with a small number of variables and almost impossible to measure empirically, to identify the synergetic effect of their functioning, while developing ways to enhance it, is substantiated. The expediency of integrating the provisions of various organizational theories, the formation of a system of scientific principles as a methodological basis for research, the choice of a set of cognitive methods for an in-depth study of the problem has been proved. The formation of the methodological foundations of scientific research has become the basis for the development of the conception of creation and functioning of a competent organization, which is based on the construction of a system of interrelated provisions and allows taking into account the specifics of organizational activities at different stages of the life cycle of an organization. Further research will be aimed at determining the necessary components of organizational competence to solve priority management tasks at each stage of the life cycle, identifying those that require additional development, which will allow Ukrainian organizations to increase the level of their own competence in the modern market.

Keywords: competent organization, European integration, creation of the organization, functioning of the organization, development of the organization, life cycle of the organization.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 24.

Gruzina Inna A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Business, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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