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BIM-Technologies in Construction: Modern Challenges for Ukraine
Hudyma L. O.

Hudyma, Liliia O. (2024) “BIM-Technologies in Construction: Modern Challenges for Ukraine.” Business Inform 2:97–104.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658:004.69

In accordance with the important needs of our time, it is relevant to study the methods, the use of which is most appropriate for the restoration of damaged construction sites as a result of military aggression. Improving the quality of work control at each stage, reducing the cost and ensuring the safety of construction requires the use of innovative technologies, in particular building information modeling (BIM). The article analyzes in detail the features of BIM technologies, reveals the essence of BIM modeling and BIM model. In the work, the building information model is considered as a three-dimensional model, the task of which is to unite all participants in the construction process at each stage. An analysis of the differences between CAD design technology and BIM is carried out, the factors that determine the complexity of the implementation of BIM design in Ukraine are presented, the main points of the development of an effective BIM conception are structured. In addition, a study of foreign practices on the use of BIM to work with damaged objects requiring reconstruction is carried out. The results of the carried out study indicate the need to introduce BIM technologies as one of the basic steps towards digitalization of the construction industry. BIM technologies in modern realities are gradually becoming a priority of sectoral policy on the part of the State. In particular, the article presents the Conception, which contains the main provisions and mechanisms of the State policy aimed at laying the foundation for digital transformations of the construction industry. The importance of BIM technologies for improving the efficiency of construction is economically substantiated and confirmed by statistical data. The need to introduce BIM technologies as an innovative and more effective tool in the reconstruction and restoration of buildings is emphasized.

Keywords: BIM technologies, building information modeling, design, reconstruction, restoration, digitalization of construction.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Hudyma Liliia O. – Postgraduate Student, National Academy of Management (10 Vіnnytska Str., Kyiv, 03151, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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