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Conceptual Bases for Managing Transparency of Enterprise Development in the Context of Convergence of Investment Processes
Zaitseva A. S.

Zaitseva, Anna S. (2024) “Conceptual Bases for Managing Transparency of Enterprise Development in the Context of Convergence of Investment Processes.” Business Inform 3:263–270.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

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In the process of studying the conceptual bases of managing the transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes, methods of analysis and synthesis, empirical methods, procedures of induction and deduction, graphical and logical method, method of financial and economic, cluster and statistical analysis are used. The methodological ground of the study is parametric and integral methods of evaluation, the results of which allow to improve the conceptual bases for managing the transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes. The article improves the conceptual bases for managing the transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes, which provide for an empirical study of the convergent features of the functioning of industrial enterprises and the identification of problems of transparency in the development of their individual divisions, allowing for making sound managerial decisions and creating conditions for the implementation of potential investment reserves, focusing on the formation of intellectual, informational, analytical and material resources, as well as on the interaction between the links of the organizational structure and the regulatory framework. This determines an increase in the interest of the administrative apparatus in ensuring continuous and stable development, as well as a strategic orientation, which necessitates an analysis of the impact of management and investment target programs on the level of transparency in the development of industrial enterprises, defining the role of the mechanism of radical changes in the development management system; establishing renovation requirements for strategically relevant parameters of change; creating the basis for the implementation of radical changes at the level of strategic management which requires a systematic reformatting of interaction with the external environment and the internal organization of processes, technologies, and structure.

Keywords: conceptual bases, enterprise, phases, functions, adaptability, development, processes, transparency.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 15.

Zaitseva Anna S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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