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Adaptation of the Financial Planning and Budgeting System to the Modern Model of University Development
Yurchyshena L. V.

Yurchyshena, Liudmyla V. (2024) “Adaptation of the Financial Planning and Budgeting System to the Modern Model of University Development.” Business Inform 3:316–322.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

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UDC 336.61:378.4

The aim of the article is to develop an adapted system of financial planning and budgeting to the modern model of university development, focused on achieving strategic development priorities in the context of expanding the financial autonomy of higher education institutions (HEIs). On the basis of the above defined aim, the following tasks were performed: a critical analysis of literary sources was carried out from the position of identifying traditional and results-based approaches to university budgeting; the traditional model of financial planning and budgeting of the university is defined; a system of financial planning and budgeting adapted to the modern model of university development was elaborated. The work uses such research methods as analysis, synthesis, systematization, coefficient and visualization methods for the development of both the traditional and the adapted system of financial planning and budgeting. The main results of the study are: definition of the traditional model of financial planning and budgeting of the university, explanation of the relationship between its components, substantiation of its ineffectiveness in the conditions of transition to a new economic model of university development, focused on expanding financial autonomy. The specified hypothesis became the basis for the development of an adapted system of financial planning and budgeting, which is based on orientedness towards results, achievement of strategic priorities for the development of higher education institutions, identification of responsibility centers responsible for the diversification and growth of budget revenues, with the simultaneous opportunity to participate in their distribution for motivation personnel potential, creation of comfortable working conditions along with an appropriate material and technical support. This approach integrates all types of financial planning in an integrated manner, while strategic financial planning as a vector of the university’s development is based on it. The results of the study are more relevant for public universities.

Keywords: financial planning, budgeting, university, HEIs, centers of responsibility, financial sustainability.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 13.

Yurchyshena Liudmyla V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Finance and Banking, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (21 600-richchia Str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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