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Digitalization of Business Processes of «Epicenter K» LLC as an Instrument for Their Im-provement
Bezruk D. I.

Bezruk, Denys I. (2024) “Digitalization of Business Processes of «Epicenter K» LLC as an Instrument for Their Im-provement.” Business Inform 3:344–352.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is devoted to the relevant topic of development and improvement of the enterprise’s business processes. The aim of the article is to study the practical aspects of improving business processes using the example of «Epicenter K» LLC through the implementation of digital technologies. It is clarified that there is a significant improvement in the field of business process classification. The article offers the author’s view of their division into development processes, main business processes, management processes and auxiliary business processes. The directions of development of the «Epicenter K» LLC group of companies within each of the groups were considered. The main business processes, which were improved by the company «Epicenter K» LLC, have been considered. The main methods of improvement and optimization of business processes of «Epicenter K» LLC have been determined. Examples of the use of modeling and description of business processes are provided: benchmarking, process engineering, and business process reengineering. It is determined that the main instrument for improving the business processes of «Epicenter K» LLC is their digitalization and digitization. It is clarified that the company is actively using digitalization to improve its business processes and to meet the needs of customers in both food and non-food products and services to the maximum extent. Examples of digitalization of business processes of «Epicenter K» LLC are provided: communications, trade process, work of employees of trade departments, document flow and production process. It is concluded that «Epicenter K» LLC is a leading domestic company in the field of retail and production, which every year more and more applies the strategy of diversification and optimization of its business processes, allowing to maximally satisfy customer requests in quality goods and services. The main directions of the company’s development in the field of digitalization and digitization of business processes are outlined in order to ensure profitability, reduce costs and increase labor productivity.

Keywords: business, business processes, digitalization, company, «Epicenter K» LLC, methods of improving business processes.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Bezruk Denys I. – Applicant, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Business Economics and Information Systems, Poltava University of Economics and Trade (3 Ivana Banka Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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