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The National Strategy of Development Economy: The Basic Prerequisites for Formation and Implementation
Kolishenko R. O.

Kolishenko, Ruslan O. (2024) “The National Strategy of Development Economy: The Basic Prerequisites for Formation and Implementation.” Business Inform 4:32–40.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The aim of the article is to determine the conceptual foundations for the formation of a strategy for building the economic development. The article states that building a development economy requires the formation and implementation of an appropriate national strategy, which determines the priority areas of scaling up production and economic activity and ensures the implementation of mechanisms and tools for achieving strategic goals in the context of the formation of processes of expanded reproduction. Having analyzed the research of scholars in the field of strategizing, the characteristics that should be inherent in modern development strategies are outlined. It is noted that the substantiation of the conceptual foundations of the formation and implementation of the national strategy for building a development economy should provide for the definition of the characteristic features of economies of this type. It is substantiated that building a development economy is impossible without the presence of a stable banking and financial sector in the country, because in the context of global shocks, growing challenges and threats, its impeccable functioning should be ensured. It is determined that ensuring the efficiency of the implementation of the national strategy for building a development economy involves a focus on the basic conceptual principles, which include: an adequate institutional environment, protection of investor rights and fair justice, and the fight against corruption. Security-oriented principles, in turn, should ensure the national security of the State, the development of the military-industrial complex, countering occurrences of both armed and hybrid aggression, while the sectoral principles include a rational sectoral structure of the economy, balanced use of natural resources, and strengthening the competitive advantages of the national economy. The integration-structured principles are aimed at the European integration vector of development, an horizontal-vertical cooperation, and the harmonization of national business standards with international norms. It is defined that the totality of conceptual foundations outlined in the article for the formation and implementation of the national strategy for building a development economy should ensure the achievement of a synergistic effect, which consists in creating a balanced structure of the target strategy and guaranteeing its comprehensive nature.

Keywords: strategizing, development strategies, development economy, economic growth.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Kolishenko Ruslan O. – Postgraduate Student, International University of Finance (37 Peremohy Ave., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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