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Digital Innovations in the Activities of Small Trade Enterprises Makarov S. A.
Makarov, Serhii A. (2024) “Digital Innovations in the Activities of Small Trade Enterprises.” Business Inform 6:126–134.
Section: Information Technologies in the Economy
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UDC 334.012.61-022.51:339.1:004
Abstract: Digitalization has changed retail forever and will keep making changes. Customers can now shop from the comfort of their own homes, with access to a variety of products, and easily comparing prices. At the same time, digitalization also poses challenges, especially for traditional small-scale retailers who cannot keep up with the pace of digitalization of the industry and society as a whole. The object of the research is the processes of introduction of digital innovations and the activities of small enterprises in the field of trade. The subject of the research is digital innovations in the sphere of trade and their impact on the activities of enterprises and consumer experience. The article discloses the concept of «digital innovation», identifies and characterizes the factors that influence the processes of introduction of digital innovations in the sphere of trade. The considered and analyzed models of consumer behavior in the context of digitalization of trade demonstrate that the latter are used as quite traditional approaches to the process of purchasing, complete immersion in the online space, as well as mixed forms. Attention is paid to the recently popular ROPO effect (Research online, purchase offline). The use of a number of digital technologies will help improve trade processes and consumer experience. It is proposed to use a systematic approach to the implementation of digitalization measures in the activities of small trade enterprises on the basis of the digitalization pyramid, which consists of four main areas of activity: optimization of internal processes, visibility on the Internet, digital sales and artificial intelligence. According to the pyramid, the path of digitalization is a series of separate stages, when, without passing the previous level, it is not recommended to master and implement what the next level entails. The identified advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of digital innovations in trade make it possible to find out the main problems and directions of development of trade enterprises in the digital age.
Keywords: digital innovation, digitalization, trade, areas of digitalization, online and offline space, ROPO effect, digitalization pyramid, customer experience.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 14.
Makarov Serhii A. – Masters Student, Department of Economics and Public Administration, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» named after M. Ye. Zhukovskiy (17 Vadyma Manka Str., Kharkіv, 61070, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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