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The Use of jSolutions "Hotel" Software in the Activities of Enterprises of the Hotel and Restaurant Industry
Vilkhivska O. V., Vilkhivskyi V. V.

Vilkhivska, Olga V., and Vilkhivskyi, Vladyslav V. (2024) “The Use of jSolutions "Hotel" Software in the Activities of Enterprises of the Hotel and Restaurant Industry.” Business Inform 6:134–144.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in English
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The article reveals the features of modern IT using the jSolutions "Hotel" module as an example for the automation and management of hotel and tourism enterprises. The main functions and algorithm of working with the module, which includes the BACK and FRONT-OFFICE parts, are considered. At the same time, the functional part of FRONT-OFFICE is implemented in Touch-interface and TouchScreen mode, which can be used for accounting of visits and reception. Also, a feature of the proposed module is the function of adding a hotel plan. The section contains records of typical sample rooms and actual facility rooms. Rooms can be grouped by buildings, floors, blocks, etc. Thanks to this, the client can view the plan of the hotel and choose the location of the room taking into account his psycho-somatic wishes. Emphasis is placed on the versatility of the module, which can be used in the management system of hotels, hostels, sanatoriums, recreation centers and other institutions of the hospitality business. The jSolutions "Hotel" module allows for comprehensive control of all business processes of hotel and tourism enterprises. Features of the universality of the proposed module, which can be integrated with other modules, are highlighted, namely: with the jSolutions module for restaurant, cafe, bar automation – for ordering meals to the hotel room; with the jSolutions module for clubs of various orientations and for adding payment for additional services to the accommodation bill. Another feature of this module is that it is a national product developed in Ukraine, not inferior in terms of quality and functional characteristics to those of its global counterparts, on the contrary, it represents more advanced product owing to its unique functions. Attention is focused on the fact that the application of the proposed module can help to significantly increase the client base and enhance the competitiveness of the hotel and tourism enterprise.

Keywords: information systems (IS), information technologies (IT), jSolutions module "Hotel", hotel and tourism enterprises.

Fig.: 13. Bibl.: 8.

Vilkhivska Olga V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Vilkhivskyi Vladyslav V. – Student, Faculty of the Prosecutor's Office, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (77 Hryhoriia Skovorody Str., Kharkіv, 61024, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Tkachenko, T. I., and Kozlovskyi, Ye. V. “Vplyv hlobalnykh dystrybutyvnykh system na rozvytok suchasnoho turystychnoho biznesu“ [The Impact of Global Distribution Systems on the Development of Modern Tourism Business]. Ekonomika ta derzhava. 2018.
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Burka, V. I., Pidhirna, V. N., and Palamariuk, M. Yu. “Zastosuvannia avtomatyzovanykh informatsiinykh tekhnolohii v turystychnomu biznesi“ [Application of Automated Information Technologies in the Tourism Business]. Ekonomika ta suspilstvo, no. 43 (2022). DOI:
“Prohrama upravlinnia hotelem“ [Hotel Management Program]. jSolutions.
“Prohrama dlia Hoteliu jSolutions“ [jSolutions Hotel Program].
“jSolutions avtomatyzatsiia biznesu“ [jSolutions Business Automation].


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