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Methodical Approach to the Formation of the Strategy of Innovative Development of the Enterprise
Otenko I. P., Kvashyna Y. A.

Otenko, Iryna P., and Kvashyna, Yuliia A. (2024) “Methodical Approach to the Formation of the Strategy of Innovative Development of the Enterprise.” Business Inform 6:166–175.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658:330.341.1

The task is to develop a methodical approach to the formation of a strategy for innovative development of enterprise. The methodical principles are based on theoretical approaches to the management of innovative development of enterprise, their main provisions, which are the basis for monitoring and evaluating the organizational conditions for the implementation of the strategy. These are the provisions of institutional, system, process, and competence approaches. The institutional approach operates with provisions that correspond to the measures of State regulation, the use of mechanisms of State influence on the innovative development of an individual enterprise, the directions of strategic priorities of innovative development of the State. The process approach focuses on innovative business processes that allow the implementation of product, technological, marketing, and organizational innovations through the implementation of the necessary organizational changes. The system approach is aimed at creating an effective innovation-oriented business model, the formation of an innovative environment based on the active interaction of all management levels. The competency-based approach focuses on the development of knowledge, increasing the intellectual capital of the enterprise for the formation of sustainable competitive advantages in the market, etc. The article analyzes and identifies the factors of digitalization of the economy as key for the formation of the innovative potential of enterprises in Ukraine. The results of the analysis of the experience of the world’s best practices and successful businesses testify to the variety of means of their response to innovative changes in the external environment and allow us to identify trends and the most relevant strategic instruments. In the areas of formation of the strategy of innovative development, a system of indicators has been developed and an assessment of the level of their organizational support at the enterprises «Spetsvuzavtomatyka» and «Ekvud-Bud» has been carried out.

Keywords: innovative development, potential, IT companies, methodical support for evaluation, system of indicators, strategic measures.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 8.

Otenko Iryna P. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kvashyna Yuliia A. – Postgraduate Student, Department of International Economic Relations and Business Security of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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Otenko, I. P., Komarkov, D. V., and Shkreben, R. P. “Stratehichnyi instrumentarii bezpeko-oriientovanoho rozvytku pidpryiemstva“ [A Strategy Toolkit Aimed at Ensuring Safe Development of an Enterprise]. Problemy ekonomiky. 2018.
Maliarets, L. M. Vymiriuvannia oznak obiektiv v ekonomitsi: metodolohiia ta praktyka [Measurement of Features of Objects in the Economy: Methodology and Practice]. Kharkiv: Vyd-vo KhNEU, 2006.
Maliarets, L. M., and Norik, L. O. Ekonomiko-matematychni aspekty diahnostyky konkurentospromozhnosti pidpryiemstva [Economic and Mathematical Aspects of Diagnostics of Enterprise Competitiveness]. Kharkiv: Vyd-vo KhNEU, 2009.
“Asotsiatsiia prezentuvala rezultaty reputatsiinoho doslidzhennia haluzi“ [The Association Presented the Results of the Industry's Reputation Research].
“Mizhnarodni standarty“ [International Standards]. Tsentr ekolohichnoi sertyfikatsii ta markuvannia.


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