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Logistics Innovations in Cold Supply Chains Anufriyeva T. H.
Anufriyeva, Tetyana H. (2024) “Logistics Innovations in Cold Supply Chains.” Business Inform 6:235–241.
Section: Economics of Transport and Communications
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 3 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 338.4; 664.8
Abstract: The article is aimed at reviewing innovations in logistics and the possibilities of using these modern technologies in cold supply chains, which will increase the security and transparency of supply, reducing the risks of damage or loss of products. Scientific research in the field of logistics innovations is of great practical importance for optimizing supply chains, especially cold ones. The introduction of innovative technologies and systems for monitoring the temperature regime of supply is a priority task for all participants in the cold supply chain – from the manufacturer to the end consumer. Important aspects in the management of cold supply chains are the use of IoT devices that work to monitor and track the physical condition of products that require maintaining temperature conditions in containers, fresh warehouses, during transportation in a refrigerator, and most importantly during loading and unloading operations. Also, the use of blockchain and smart contracts can reduce the time for the transfer of information between all participants in the cold supply chain. The application of IoT innovations allows logisticians to respond to changes in cold supply chains in real time. This determines the relevance of the use of these technologies in cold supply chains, contributing to: reducing the time for analyzing large amounts of data, which can be available to all participants in the cold supply chain and will make it possible to predict delays and optimize delivery routes with great accuracy; maintaining the quality of products during transportation, using advanced packaging solutions that help maintain optimal temperature conditions along the entire route; reducing the time for reloading products due to the automation of processes in the warehouse and in transport logistics; reducing the risk of loss during the last-mile delivery; increasing the transparency of the cold supply chain using smart contracts. For Ukraine, which is currently under martial law, innovations in cold logistics are necessary to improve the quality of service for foreign companies that open markets for goods and services in Ukraine and must meet high quality and safety standards when delivering goods with a limited shelf life.
Keywords: cold supply chain, cold logistics, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) technology, RFID tags, smart contracts.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 12.
Anufriyeva Tetyana H. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics, State University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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