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 Methodical Instruments for Assessing the General State of the Enterprise Snytiuk O. I., Berezhna L. V., Berezina O. Y.
Snytiuk, Oksana I., Berezhna, Lesia V., and Berezina, Olena Yu. (2024) “Methodical Instruments for Assessing the General State of the Enterprise.” Business Inform 6:270–277.
Section: Economics of Enterprise
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) -  |
UDC 330.4:005.52](477)
Abstract: The aim of the article is to generalize the methodical instruments for assessing the general state of enterprise on the basis of taking into account its multi-vector nature. There is a large array of effective methods of comprehensive analysis and diagnostics of the general condition of the enterprise. Their combination will allow you to get an objective assessment and develop recommendations for optimizing the enterprise’s activities. The paper provides a general overview of methods and techniques for assessing the state of enterprise: SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, SPACE analysis, matrix methods, methods of multi-criteria analysis, graphical methods, methods of expert assessment, methods based on the theory of fuzzy sets, etc. A brief description of some of the presented assessment methods (advantages and disadvantages) is provided. It is noted that the efficiency of assessment of the state of enterprise is increased through the use of methods of fuzzy multi-criteria analysis, which allow the analyst to partially reduce the uncertainty of the original data array. Attention is focused on the problems that accompany the process of assessing the state of enterprise. The relevance of systematic diagnostics of the state of enterprise for control and timely productive response to negative dynamics, determination of strategic directions of development of enterprise is substantiated, since the activity of domestic enterprises currently takes place in conditions of a high level of uncertainty. It is noted that taking into account the multi-vector nature of the indicator of «state of enterprise» is the main prerequisite for conducting an effective assessment of the general state of enterprise, therefore, the identification of structural components of the state of enterprise with possible variation depending on a number of factors requires further research. The combination of classical and innovative methods, in particular fuzzy analysis, provides the analyst with instruments for assessing the state of the enterprise, taking into account its multi-vector nature.
Keywords: state of the enterprise, structure of the state of the enterprise, methods of assessment, methods of strategic analysis, methods of competitive analysis, methods of multi-criteria analysis, theory of fuzzy sets.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 23.
Snytiuk Oksana I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Cherkasy State Technological University (460 Shevchenka Blvd., Cherkasy, 18006, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Berezhna Lesia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Cherkasy State Technological University (460 Shevchenka Blvd., Cherkasy, 18006, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Berezina Olena Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Finance, Cherkasy State Technological University (460 Shevchenka Blvd., Cherkasy, 18006, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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