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Business Management in the Wartime
Skibska K. O., Kozyr R. S.

Skibska, Kateryna O., and Kozyr, Roman S. (2024) “Business Management in the Wartime.” Business Inform 6:332–339.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The interaction between business and hostilities represents a complex dynamic, as both of these aspects have a huge impact on each other. When discussing this connection, one should consider not only the challenges, but also the opportunities it opens up for businesses in the face of instability and conflicts. The high level of discordance and geopolitical turbulence creates special conditions for strategic thinking and adaptability of business leaders. Hostilities cause economic instability, reduced production, destruction of infrastructure and loss of jobs, which leads to losses for local enterprises and causes great risks for investors who have to invest in countries with ongoing military conflicts, due to the instability of government structures and doubts about the economic recovery after the end of the certain conflict. The conditions of military conflict require a high level of attention from business organizations to ensure the safety and security of their employees, since this category of assets is one of the most important for the sustainability of the enterprise. Simultaneously, the protection of property assets is of great importance, as enterprises must minimize the possible risks of destruction or damage in the conditions of hostilities. In addition, effective risk management requires the enterprise to develop and implement strategies to adapt to the changing geopolitical environment, which allows it to maintain stability and efficiency of operation during adverse conditions. It is important to note that competent risk management is a crucial factor for maintaining business activity and the successful functioning of the enterprise even in the most complex scenarios of a conflict environment. War, as a complex phenomenon, creates not only challenges but also opportunities for business, especially in the context of certain industries and scenarios. For example, it stimulates the demand for products and services related to the defense industry, which contributes to the development of technology, weapons production, transport and communication systems. Post-conflict recovery markets open up new opportunities for companies in the fields of construction, reconstruction and infrastructure solutions. Thus, military conflicts, although they pose significant challenges to society and the economy, at the same time provide opportunities for the development of new technologies, markets and management strategies that require comprehensive analysis and response on the part of business and politics.

Keywords: business management, management, business processes, administration, ways to support business, State regulation of business, challenges.

Bibl.: 13.

Skibska Kateryna O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Socio-Economics and Personnel Management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kozyr Roman S. – Deputy General Director, Baker Tilly Ukraine LLC (28 Fizkultury Str., Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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