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International Experience of Innovative Development of the Forest Industry in the Post-War Period and Its Adaptation for Ukraine
Petrashchuk M. V.

Petrashchuk, Mykola V. (2024) “International Experience of Innovative Development of the Forest Industry in the Post-War Period and Its Adaptation for Ukraine.” Business Inform 6:35–43.

Section: Foreign Experience

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The forest industry is one of the most promising in the economy of Ukraine, but in the context of the ongoing full-scale invasion, the industry has acutely faced both the problems that existed before, including forest fires, illegal deforestation, pests, etc., and the problems that became relevant during the period of hostilities, namely, demining of forest areas. The aim of the article is to review and study the international experience of using innovative technologies to overcome the consequences of the impact of hostilities on the forest industry, in particular in countries where there were hostilities, and their adaptation in post-war Ukraine. In the article, the author considers the main problems of the forest industry and the industry as a whole, which arose during the recent hostilities. In particular, the main problem is forest fires. In addition to the main causes, in wartime, fires occur as a result of enemy shelling (both from land and from the sea) and due to activities of saboteurs (Mykolaiv, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, and Odesa regions). Extinguishing forest fires in these areas is complicated by hostilities, the presence of unexploded ordnance and mining of forest areas. The average area of one fire has increased 7 times. Also, one of the most common factors of negative impact on the forest ecosystem is human activity, which, in particular, consists in the use of forest resources for economic purposes by logging without appropriate permission. Such offenses under martial law are happening more and more often, as evidenced by media reports. The issue of forestry in the territories of Ukraine that were temporarily occupied is also quite acute. In particular, we are talking about the elimination of tripwires, demining of forests, roads, administrative buildings of the territorial bodies of the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine. However, despite the urgent problems that harrow both our country in general and the forest industry in particular, the State was able to adapt to the realities of wartime, and the forest industry continues to be profitable for the country and does not stop fulfilling its regular tasks.

Keywords: innovations, innovative technologies, forest industry, international experience, military operations.

Bibl.: 13.

Petrashchuk Mykola V. – Postgraduate Student, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (15 Karpatska Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76019, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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