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Preconditions for the Formation of a Reasonable Food Consumption Model in Ukraine
Zhehus O. V., Mykhailova M. V., Afanasieva O. P.

Zhehus, Olena V., Mykhailova, Mariia V., and Afanasieva, Oksana P. (2024) “Preconditions for the Formation of a Reasonable Food Consumption Model in Ukraine.” Business Inform 6:389–398.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.439.63.053(477):641.1]:336.1.02

The aim of the article is to analyze the prerequisites and factors of changes in consumer behavior of the population in Ukraine and to develop a component model of reasonable consumption of food products, taking into account the national features of socioeconomic development and global tendencies. The key factors influencing the changes in consumer behavior in Ukraine are: the COVID-19 pandemic, military aggression against Ukraine and new benchmarks of the global process, namely, the Sustainable Development Goals. Taking into account the above factors, one of the tasks is to ensure the transition to rational models of production and consumption, the priority of stimulating consumers to economical and optimal use of food, conscious waste disposal to reduce its harmful impact on the environment. In accordance with the principles of sustainable development, the primary indicators of the new consumption model are: conscious choice, which reflects sufficient consciousness and understanding of the consumption process. The consumer is aware of their needs, values and the impact that their decisions have on the environment and society; the responsibility of choice is emphasized on the consciousness of making choices during a purchasing decision and its impact on the environment, they are interrelated and important components of reasonable consumption; frugal choice – to meet one’s needs, ensuring minimal impact on the environment and saving money, time, energy, to satisfy the primary needs that ensure life as much as possible, as well as to optimally distribute available and affordable material resources; rational choice – the need to be guided by reason and logic, weighing all factors, taking into account real and urgent needs, values, constraints and consequences of actions, while taking into account not only instant satisfaction, but also long-term benefits and economic feasibility. Taking into account the indicators of the new model of consumption, a model of reasonable consumption (Food Reasonality Consumption) is proposed, which includes the following elements (RALF): R – rationality of choice; A – awareness of choice; L – liability of choice; F – frugality of choice. Based on the developed model of reasonable consumption, the authors’ own definition of the essence of the concept of «new type of consumer behavior» is presented, which is based on common sense, supported by awareness and responsibility of a person, which are manifested in the process of choice when making a decision on the purchase of food products, forming the basis for thrift and rationality of their consumption and utilization, taking into account the consequences for the level and quality of one’s own life, environment, society as a whole.

Keywords: sustainable development, food consumption, consumer behavior, reasonable consumption, responsible consumption.

Fig.: 2. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 23.

Zhehus Olena V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Marketing, Reputation Management and Customer Experience, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Mykhailova Mariia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Reputation Management and Customer Experience, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Afanasieva Oksana P. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Reputation Management and Customer Experience, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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